Closed Bug 460030 Opened 16 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Get rid of resize handler, use flex to draw view columns


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: andreas.treumann, Assigned: mmecca)



(Keywords: perf)


(8 files, 1 obsolete file)

STEPS TO REPRODUCE: =================== - create a couple of events, one have to be an invitation (see screenshot) - use the today pane to resize the day column in the day/weekview RESULT: ======= - the invitation event box overlap the normal events EXPECTED RESULT: ================ - the invitation event box should not overlap the normal events REPRODUCIBLE: ============= - always
Attached image overlap invitation β€”
Flags: blocking-calendar1.0+
Attached patch patch v. #1 β€” β€” Splinter Review
In this patch I modified the code in such a way that no dotted borders (¨invitation needs action¨), alarm icons or category boxes are displayed and it improved the situation significantly. Of course this is not supposed to be a solution - I just wanted to know the actual root cause of this failure.
Attached patch patch v. #2 β€” β€” Splinter Review
The patch attached improves the situation by applying ¨collapsed¨ attributes instead of ¨hidden¨ to the category boxes and the alarm-icon, but does not really solve the problem.
Berend, what is the status on this bug. Can you fix this bug for us? I think its possible to solve this by adding |border: 2px solid transparent| to non-invitations, this way we have the same type of border and the calculations should work out. Another potential solution is to use |outline| instead of |border| ?
Whiteboard: [berend might fix]
Attachment #353445 - Flags: review?(philipp)
Whiteboard: [berend might fix] → [berend might fix][not needed beta][no l10n impact]
Whiteboard: [berend might fix][not needed beta][no l10n impact] → [not needed beta][no l10n impact][berend might fix]
Comment on attachment 353445 [details] [diff] [review] patch v. #2 Berend, it seems you have already taken care of the files you are adding here. Are all bits from this patch already in the tree? If not, could you create a new patch? It doesn't have to fix the issue, just improve the situation. Fixing the issue is an added bonus, but I'd like to progress on this bug.
Attachment #353445 - Flags: review?(philipp) → review-
Attached image Overlapping Event β€”
Tried this on TB3B2 with yesterdays nightly of Lightning. The overlap only appears for a moment when starting to resize and snaps to the right condition when you stop the mouse-movement (you don't have to release the button) It also "works" with only normal events involved (see attached screenshot). It seems to happen, when events with different widths above each other are involved. The event(s) spanning more than one "column" are then not resized correctly. I tried Philipps Idea from comment #4 with a transparent border by doing the following in calendar-views.css @Line 597: calendar-event-box, calendar-editable-item, calendar-month-day-box-item { + border: 2px solid transparent; opacity: 0.99; } No help, only the boxes moved a little further away from each other.
I debugged a little more and found out that the "onResize" function is called only after the correct resizing took place again. So I think the fault comes from some core-code that is responsible for the initial resizing and repositioning. So maybe this is a bug in the core-system?
I have seen your request on dev-layout, There is no other way than to create a reproducible test case that can be attached to a bug. This is step 1, the digging where it happens is step 2.
Assignee: nobody → MarkusAdrario
Digging further: I'm narrowing it down to the "relayout" function ind Multiday-View [1]. It seems that the setting of the needed style for a box spanning multiple columns is computet correctly in the resizeHandler [2]. The problem is, that the function itself gets called too late. It happens when the resizing is done or you stop resizing-movement for a moment. As of now I have now hint, why this happens. to reproduce: 1. create a day-view setup like in [3]. 2. Put a debugger; statement between the following 2 lines in calendar-multiday-view.xml: 777 this.handleEvent = function(aEvent) { 778 var resizeStyle = "min-width: 1px; min-height: 1px;"; 3. start Venkman 4. resize the view and see when the debugger stops. [1]: [2]: [3]:
Unfortunately the above describerd is normal behaviour of the resize event. As [1] states: Notes: The resize event is fired AFTER the window has been resized. I will try to use the overflow/underflow events [2] to get around this problem. [1]: window.onresize [2]:
Whiteboard: [not needed beta][no l10n impact][berend might fix] → [not needed beta][no l10n impact]
I found out, that the overflow/underflow events would indeed let the view update quicker. But to fire these events we would have to add some element, which gets an overflow/underflow each time the view is resized. I could not figure out how to do this, so I return this to unassigned. Maybe we should think about leaving it as it is, since it only is really annoying, when you resize really fast. Else the onResize gets called often enough to get a decent outcome.
Assignee: Mozilla → nobody
Assignee: nobody → matthew.mecca
I'm unable to reproduce the issue with invitations using the original STR on the latest lightning nightly, but can confirm the odd resizing for all events spanning multiple columns during a resize, as mentioned in comment #6. Also, when the view is rotated and then resized using the unifinder, the multi-column events remain sized improperly after the resize is complete.
Attached patch [after beta] Proposed Patch (obsolete) β€” β€” Splinter Review
Sizes multi-span columns by using the flex property rather than setting the column width directly. This results in a smoother update while dragging during a resize, as well as eliminating the need for the resize event listeners.
Attachment #400310 - Flags: review?(philipp)
Comment on attachment 400310 [details] [diff] [review] [after beta] Proposed Patch Code nits: >+ if (layer.every(function (element) { return !element.specialSpan; })) { >+ columnCount = layer.length; >+ } The new js allows a syntax like: if (layer.every(function (e) !e.specialSpan)) >+ } >+ >+ // add last empty column if necessary Extra spaces in the middle line
Attachment #400310 - Attachment description: Proposed Patch → [after beta] Proposed Patch
This would surely simplify things, it does need some elaborate testing though. Back in the days of mozilla 1.8, when the war on boxes had its darkest time, Mickey found out that using the flex attribute caused problems with many many boxes at once. This needs testing, maybe with a calendar that has a lot of events in parallel and in the same hour. Archaeopteryx has a generated calendar with the german TV program, this might be a good start. I'd really like to postpone this after the beta since the views are a quite central feature. Maybe we can have some sort of mozmill test, or maybe even a reftest that takes a picture of the views with the aforementioned calendar. For this we probably need a stable sorting mechanism though.
Flags: in-testsuite?
Keywords: perf
Summary: Invitation overlap normal event boxes → Get rid of resize handler, use flex to draw view columns
Just a few problems that show up with this patch. Mostly its just extra space, but in some cases things overlap. I haven't been able to try invitations though.
Attached patch [medium,test] Patch v2 β€” β€” Splinter Review
Fixes spaces/overlaps.
Attachment #400310 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #416309 - Flags: review?(philipp)
Attachment #400310 - Flags: review?(philipp)
Blocks: 526896
Attachment #416309 - Attachment description: [after beta] Patch v2 → [medium,test] Patch v2
Does this also solve bug 470425?
Attached image Problems with Invitations β€”
Patch v2 works very good, I couldn't create any overlap errors with normal events. I did however produce some with invitations. To reproduce, create an ics file with two events very close to each other. Add the file to lightning, then add lines similar to the following: ORGANIZER;CN=Philipp Kewisch;PARTSTAT=DECLINED:mailto:anyemailaddress@blab ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT:mailto:other must be the email address set in the calendar properties dialog. This causes the event to have the dotted border. I think you should easily be able to fix this by putting the border on the inside, i.e using "outline" instead of border. I assume this happens without the patch too though, so I'm fine with doing that in a separate bug. This patch needs to wait until the next nightly builds, since I've already checked in a view-related patch today. I'll check v2 in tomorrow, then file the bug. I'll assign that bug to you, if you don't want to fix that issue go ahead and reassign to nobody.
Comment on attachment 416309 [details] [diff] [review] [medium,test] Patch v2 >+ >+ var columnCount = 1; >+ var spanTotal = 0; Change var to let, go ahead and do so for the surrounding var's too. >+ let lastStyle = "min-width: 1px; min-height: 1px; " + >+ "width: " + (columnCount - spanTotal) + "px; " + >+ "height: " + (columnCount - spanTotal) + "px;"; >+ lastColumn.setAttribute("style", lastStyle); This overwrites any other style attributes set, I'd suggest to assign style via js, i.e: = "1px"; = "1px"; = (columnCount - spanTotal) + "px"; = (columnCount - spanTotal) + "px"; This patch has r+ with the above fixed, leaving it on r? until tomorrow so I don't forget about it.
Attached patch Patch v3 β€” β€” Splinter Review
Reviewed patch with requested fixes
Attachment #428110 - Flags: review?(philipp)
Comment on attachment 428110 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v3 r=philipp
Attachment #428110 - Flags: review?(philipp) → review+
Pushed to comm-central <> -> FIXED
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [not needed beta][no l10n impact]
Target Milestone: --- → 1.0b2
Attachment #416309 - Flags: review?(philipp)
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