Closed Bug 46104 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Java plugin file download dialog is motionless/dead and does not download anything


(Core Graveyard :: Installer: XPInstall Engine, defect, P2)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: shrir, Assigned: rebron)



(Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-][pdtp2]need fix in netcenter page)

Summary says it all. Sun will be providing new java plugin files and jre to be put for XPI from netcenter website.
qa:shrir, reassign :rebron
Assignee: ssu → rebron
QA Contact: gbush → shrir
Keywords: nsbeta3
I have given the bits to Jonathan Granrose. Rafael, will you please communicate with him to get the stuff? If that's not possible, talk to me and I'll get you your very own copy.
We're not going to be able to have this ready for PR2. We're currently pointing the java sniff to Like I said, I don't want to install from Netcenter until we have one set of bits. There are a lot of issues that I still need to take care off for this to happen, i.e. stiff for platform so that if a Mac person comes or Linux person comes, they don't get pointed to these bits. page is pointing to bits on Netcenter.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
When I press on the "Download Part1" and "Download Part2" buttons in the pop-up window, the files that get downloaded on my machine are : jre13i.exe - 4970kb jre13p.exe - 546kb Why is the size of jre13i.exe different than that on ftp://sweetlou/products/client/seamonkey/windows/32bit/x86/2000-09-05-08-M18/xpi / ? Are these the correct bits ? Also, the jre13p.exe does not do anything when I click on it to run it. Only a DOS window flashes for a second and that's it. The patch does not get applied.
Now the UI seems changed. I see two links saying "Install Java Plugin2'" and "Install Java2 Patch". After I click on the "Install Java2 Plugin" link, two blank windows and a "Software Installation" dialog pop up. Clicking OK on the 'Items to Install' dialog shows a 'Downloading' message and that's it... nothing moves. The installation does not proceed. I am reopening this bug. Rafael, pls elt me know if you are not responsible for the file download problem , I will reassign.Thnx.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Yeah. I'm not responsible for the download problem, just putting the bits up on the site and putting the page up on the site.
sending to networking since there is a file download issue. Pls reassign if incorrect.Thx.
Assignee: rebron → gagan
Component: Installer → Networking
QA Contact: shrir → tever
Reassigning bug. JRE xpi files are on Netcenter ftp and is available via the jvm.html page.
*** Bug 42561 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
file download is ->law
Assignee: gagan → law
resummarizing. If a user does not have java plugin installed then clicking on the puzzle icon takes him to the plugin download page. But after clicking on the "Install Java2 plugin" and "Install Java2 patch" links, the software installatione dialog that pops up does not do anything at all. This is a bad problem. cc: ekrock.
Summary: Put the latest java plugin files and jre on netcenter for autodownload of jre → JAva plugin fFile download dialog is motionless/dead and does not download anything
I observe this same behavior with N6 PR 2 on Windows. Just tried it; confirming Shrirang's note.
Hmmmm, this has nothing to do with the Navigator file download component. The dialog that comes up appears to be a XPInstall window of some kind. Over to the component owner for triaging ... Dan, is this yours?
Assignee: law → dveditz
Component: Networking → Installer: XPInstall Engine
QA Contact: tever → jimmylee
This sounds like the same underlying problem as bug 46318, but hard to tell because I haven't found the source for the "get java" window (is it on Netcenter?) The quickest fix would be to change to a javascript trigger instead of just a link to the .xpi file, which is recommended anyway. Reassigning to rebron to change You can either change to buttons, or leave links. If leaving links you can implement it as an onclick or use a javascript: HREF. The scriptlet itself should do: InstallTrigger.install({"Java Virtual Machine 1.3":"ftp://etc/etc"}); or if you don't want to bother with the pretty name, InstallTrigger.startSoftwareUpdate("ftp://etc/etc"); If you use the install() method you can add an optional second argument that is a callback function, which could then automatically launch the next install when the first is done. Or you could combine the two in a single call, but I realize you have problems with that because the first launches a native executable and we don't have a good way to wait until it's done before launching the next one (there are kludges we could work on, setting flags in the windows registry maybe, depending on how motivated you are).
Assignee: dveditz → rebron
Keywords: netcenter
Whiteboard: need fix in netcenter page
Marking nsbeta3+. If I read the bug right, this can lead to significant functionality not working. Someone please let me know if we can ship without waiting for this fix. Setting priority to P2
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: need fix in netcenter page → [nsbeta3+][pdtp2]need fix in netcenter page
Shipping without fixing this bug means that customers who install N6 PR 3 with no Java, will not get the chance to auto-download Java later. In my (biased) opinion, it's worth waiting for the fix. I don't know if this helps any, but I will be delivering a *single* Java 2 binary for Windows and Linux. No longer will there be a Java 2 Windows + Java 2 Windows patch. One binary only. Planning on delivering this to Netscape release engineering tonight (9/22/2000); awaiting bits from Java Software. Rebron should be able to get the Win32 and Linux .xpi's from granrose/leaf.
If you're giving us new all-in-one bits then the java download page has to change anyway, so this fix would be easy to make at the same time. The windows and Linux installs will *also* have to change -- are there bugs against those products so Sean and Samir know what to do? Please file separate bugs against each installer with details about the new file names, nominate them for nsbeta3 and rtm, and give it P1 priority (Java won't work unless the change is made).
Okay, will do. I'm on it.
PDT marking nsbeta3-, nominating for rtm
Keywords: rtm
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][pdtp2]need fix in netcenter page → [nsbeta3-][pdtp2]need fix in netcenter page
Summary: JAva plugin fFile download dialog is motionless/dead and does not download anything → Java plugin file download dialog is motionless/dead and does not download anything
*** Bug 55217 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Just to clarify. This bug will be fixed as soon as we get the win jvm .xpi file. We already have the linux .xpi file. What's going to happen to jvm.html is that it's going to be a jump page to a Java Plug-ins download page where a user can chose the platform and then download the file.
jvm.html page is live. Using Ed or George's xpinstall scripts. gives users a choice to install either a linux .xpi or a windows.xpi. -Rafael
So shouldn't this bug be marked "fixed"?
The XPI scripting seems to work. Haven't tried actually installing it for PR3. Thanks rafael.
Yes. Fixed. Woohoo...
Closed: 25 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thank everybody here! This rocks.
Does *NOT* work for me Platform: PC OS: Windows 98 Mozilla Version: 2000100508 The link is there but once you try and download it just sits there and you are unable to cancel the download or close it via the [X] button in the upper right hand corner.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
After entering my comments above the dialog box finally closed and opened a window saying there was an error while installing the plugin. However that was at least 30 seconds to 1 minute after clicking cancel.
What "link"? this bug is about getting Java via -- it has buttons now, no links.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Allow me.. This works ok now! I agree that the file download dialog that pops up on windows appears to do nothing for just a brief period(5-10 seconds) but it works now. I could install the java plugin on today's branch bits without a problem.(see my last comment in bug 55222).Also, there are buttons now and not links to download the jre's. Marking this VERIFIED/FIXED.(build 2000100608) br.
Hi Rafael, Do you have the latest java bits, from 10/23/00, on the ftp server?
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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