Closed Bug 4660 Opened 26 years ago Closed 26 years ago

File:Close does nothing


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sujay, Assigned: danm.moz)


using 4/6 build of apprunner on Linux. 1) launch apprunner 2) File | New Browser Window now you have two navigators open. Fo File | Close. doesn't work workaround: File | Quit, which closes both windows...
changing qa_contact field to myself.
Target Milestone: M4
Sujay, how does this look with the Apr 07 Linux build? rickg, need to put this on M4 radar for a release note if not fixed.
File | Close still doesn't work for 1 or many instances of Navigator open. I used the 4/8 build.
Target Milestone: M4 → M5
not critical for m4. marking m5.
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: Other → All
this all platforms
Assignee: ramiro → mcafee
Target Milestone: M5 → M6
reassign apprunner thing to i dont think this is a big deal for m5. marking m6.
CC-ing danm; does this work on Win/Mac?
same problem on Win and Mac...the bug is marked: "All" see above...
Assignee: mcafee → trudelle
Not sure who owns this, trudelle.
Assignee: trudelle → danm
Summary: Close doesn't close other instances of apprunner → File:Close does nothing
Simplifying summary: File:Close does nothing. Same in any window, regardless of how many windows open. BTW, File:Quit is not equivalent, Close should only close the active window. reassigning to danm, cc hyatt
real workaround is to use close box, or other system method for closing windows.
Target Milestone: M6 → M7
>snort!< Well, the reason it does nothing is because, since rev 1.1 of navigator.xul, it's never been told to do anything. Arguably this bug should be owned by someone in XPApps, who may have special ideas about the the actions required while closing a window. Still, I can go add a call to window.close() in navigator.xul as easily as anyone... However, until bug 6005 is fixed, adding a call to window.close() would make the app crash, rather than doing nothing at all. So I'm pushing this bug out to M7 for now, in expectation of the day when that other fine bug is cleared up.
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 3604 ***
verified in 6/1 build. its a dup..
Moving all Apprunner bugs past and present to Other component temporarily whilst don and I set correct component. Apprunner component will be deleted/retired shortly.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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