Open Bug 467984 Opened 16 years ago Updated 2 years ago

setting default font size on main content prefs page should apply to all encodings


(Firefox :: Settings UI, defect)





(Reporter: mikel, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [bugday-20140120])

I went to Preferences->Content and changed the default font size from 16 to 20 using the drop down.  It had no effect on any of the pages I had open.

It turns out this is because I had previously gone into the Advanced... page and selected Fonts for: User Defined from the drop-down list.

Why doesn't the default font size apply to all encodings (particularly Western)?

Steps to reproduce:
Edit->Preferences (or presumably Tools->Options on Windows)
Default font: Advanced...
Fonts for: User Defined
Size: 12
(Now back on the main content prefs tab)
Default font: Size: 20

Expected results:
All my web pages have fonts that are a little larger
(Specifically, Advanced->Fonts for: Western has a proportional font size of 20)

Actual results:
Only Fonts for: User defined shows a size of 20.
Blocks: 469306
Version: 3.0 Branch → Trunk
I am beginner and I would like to work on this bug.can someone please assingn this bug for me?
Assignee: nobody → athirasnamby
Whiteboard: [bugday-20140120]
I tried to reproduce it.but in Nightly it showing the size as 16.So why  does it happen?
I guess it shouldn't be assigned to you until you can reproduce it.
Assignee: athirasnamby → nobody

Walt, can you reproduce this?

Flags: needinfo?(wls220spring)

In Firefox or Thunderbird? This is an old Firefox bug.

Not sure what the preferences were when this bug was reported, but if the font setting selected by the user wasn't being applied it could be because they have "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selections above". If that existed for that version. Enabled in my Firefox. Or they didn't have "Minimum font size" set. Again, if it existed.

In Thunderbird it is "Allow messages to use other fonts". Enabled in my Thunderbird.

I don't see Western as a "Fonts for" selection in the drop down for Preferences > General > Advanced under Fonts and Colors in Firefox. Edit > Preferences > Display > Advanced for Thunderbird.

I set my font selections the same for Latin and Other Writing Systems.

Proportional: 16
Monospace: 16
Minimum font size: 16

I haven't noticed any problems.


Flags: needinfo?(wls220spring)
Severity: minor → S4
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