Closed Bug 469787 Opened 16 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Inspector needs a build instructions README


(Other Applications :: DOM Inspector, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: WeirdAl, Unassigned)





(1 file)

Browsing around in, I don't see any clear instructions on how someone should build this package.  Could we add a README file, please?
For reference, how I build it is dump it in mozilla/extensions, and enable the extension in my .mozconfig
Here's what I use. From ~/src/domi
$ ./ ~/src/mozilla-central ./mozilla

Then you can do
$ cd ./mozilla/mozbuilddir && ../configure --enable-application=extensions --enable-extensions=inspector --disable-crashreporter --with-system-nspr
$ make -C ./mozilla/mozbuilddir/extensions/inspector

I just put the configure line in its own shell script, so the following is how I build:
$ ./
$ ./
$ make -C ./mozilla/mozbuilddir/extensions/inspector

This will pull dom-inspector from hg, then build and put out an XPI in the build directory.
Jez e-mailed me recently about building DOM Inspector.  I'll document it here.

Last I checked, the script in attachment 406884 [details] no longer works.

I have a mozilla-central build hanging around, and I drop the DOM Inspector repo in and build from there.  I also just tested from an hg archive of mozilla-central tip.  If you're also doing browser work, you might want to go this route to keep your changes separate.  You can do this:

hg archive -r tip -R $MOZSRCDIR $DOMIMOZSRCDIR

where $MOZSRCDIR is your local copy of the mozilla-central repo, and $DOMIMOZSRCDIR is wherever you want your DOM Inspector-specific copy of mozilla-central to be.  A source drop of mozilla-central (i.e., without hg revision history) is ~500 megs right now.  You don't need revision history for mozilla-central, keeping it around will balloon the size to double that, and DOM Inspector lives in its own repo, so that's what you'll be working with anyway.

Navigate to $DOMIMOZSRCDIR/extensions and clone the DOM Inspector repo there:

hg clone ./inspector

Enable DOM Inspector in your mozconfig:

ac_add_options --enable-application=extensions
ac_add_options --enable-extensions=inspector

It should work with only these options.  You don't want to copy options over from your other mozconfig if you have any, because you want to avoid building browser/.  Building DOM Inspector alone should only take a minute or so, with much of that time spent on configure.  As you may know, browser builds can be measured from 30 minutes to 1.5+ hours.  Then build as usual:

make -f ./

(You might need to do gmake on Windows, I don't know.)

This'll build DOM Inspector and put the XPI in $MOZOBJDIR/dist/xpi-stage/inspector-2.0.10pre.xpi.

And in case you didn't know, after you've built like this, and you're only making chrome changes (i.e., stuff under inspector/resources) you can build again without going through configure by doing:

make -C $MOZOBJDIR/extensions/inspector

This won't work if you change the Makefiles, though.


non-locale chrome is managed in a jar manifest at inspector/  If you add or remove any files (and remember to hg add or remove them when submitting patches), you'll need to update it.
Bulk close. This component is no longer supported or maintained.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Bulk close. This component is no longer supported or maintained.
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