Closed Bug 472509 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Page Load Error: "File Not Found" when retrieving files from the cache (visible problem: some images are not displayed)


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: martinez.novo+bugzilla, Unassigned)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; es-ES; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; es-ES; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 Sometimes, when navigating through web pages, I randomly see broken images (not displayed, like not found in the server). This happens not only images, but CSS and JS documents, and also an entire HTML document (so you get the error page when accessing it via a link). Opening the missing image/file/document in a window gives me a page errora, page that internally is the following address: about:neterror?e=fileNotFound&u=http%3A//URL.of.the/file&c=UTF-8&d=Firefox%20can't%20find%20the%20file%20at%20http%3A//URL.of.the/file. Substing the "http%3A//URI.of.the/file" string to the URL of the image: Document title: Page Load Error: > > File Not Found > Firefox can't find the file at http://URL.of.the/file. > > * Could the item have been renamed, removed, or relocated? > * Is there a spelling, capitalization, or other typographical > error in the address? > * Do you have sufficient access permissions to the requested item? Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce: This is reproducible for me. It happens randomly and I couldn't find any pattern of which steps follow to reproduce that. I cleared the entire cache once, to see if it was caused by some incoherency on the browser update, but it happens again. But seems like the problem was corrected immediately after the cache cleared. Maybe when the cache storage grows to some critical point then this happens. The problem persists when closing the browser and reopening it again. The same files affected still have the same problem. I think it happens at least since version 3.0.4 (now on 3.0.5) Maybe, surf a lot on the web? If that matters, I edit and visit any pages on several * wikis. That error happens on some images and JS form there, but also I saw it in other sites. If I right-click the image and select "Show image", It doesn't get displayed. Running WireShark I see a HTTP request with cache headers like If-Modified-Since: and If-None-Match:, and a HTTP 304 Not Modified response from the server. If I right click the image and select "View Image", or access the filedirectly I get the above page error Then I go to the cache entry for that file, locating it inside the address "about:cache?device=disk" I found it. Comparing the entry item with another image that loads fine, I see those relevant differences: The file that loads fine: * "file on disk: none" * At the bottom theres a HEX representation of the file The file that doesn't load: * "file on disk: C:\Documents and Settings\jesus\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\owsj7j7k.default\Cache\CF912BDEd01" (I took a look and the file DOESN'T EXIST) * There's no HEX file representation at the bottom. I have the WebDeveloper addon installed. If I check the "disable cache" option, right-click the image and select "Show image" the image then shows, but turning on cache at next page reload the image doesn't show. If I right click the image and select "View Image", I get the above neterror page. If on that page I do a [CTRL + SHIFT + R] then the image get loaded and displays OK in further page loads, so the problem on that image is solved The cache folder is ATM 62.8 MB with 879 files in it The url about:cache?device=disk gives: Number of entries: 8192 Maximum storage size: 100000 KiB Storage in use: 65900 KiB Cache Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\jesus\Configuración local\Datos de programa\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\owsj7j7k.default\Cache I have set 100MB of cache storage on preferences. Remember that when I tried to find the cached file of the missing image, I didn't found it. --- Other bugs that I found that may be related: --- Bug 426961: Same page error. But the response headers in my example seem OK: (that is what shows the about:cache) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Cache-Control: max-age=30 Content-Type: image/png Etag: "1786596717" Last-Modified: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 17:13:44 GMT Server: lighttpd/1.4.18 X-Varnish: 3083198044 Via: 1.1 varnish Content-Length: 955 X-Orighost: X-Served-By-Backend: varnish2 X-Cacheable: YES Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 16:04:15 GMT Age: 535625 X-Served-By: varnish9 X-Cache: HIT X-Cache-Hits: 47 Expires: Sun, 04 Jan 2009 20:15:51 GMT And the 302 response (from WireShark): HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 15:50:33 GMT Via: 1.1 varnish X-Varnish: 3758480970 Last-Modified: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 16:52:38 GMT Connection: keep-alive X-Served-By: varnish8 X-Cache: HIT X-Cache-Hits: 55 Bug 452494: Same page error, but it seems different, because this is a cache issue, and this bug is with local files. It seems there are some other people with this problem: <"Do+you+have+sufficient+access+permissions+to+the+requested+item">
Do you use any strange security software on your system that modifies or deletes Firefox cache files ? This works for most people and that means it must be something specific on your system that is causing this.
No. I only have AVG. Tothing in quarantine. Nothing in logs. Maybe if this happens to other people just acts like the problem is of the website, not firefox. Well I could contact other people if could have the same problem. I'll post more details about if more people could have thisproblem. Now I've creared my cache, so I could see how many time takes to reproduce the same problem. Maybe a check could be added, so if retrieving the file from the cache fails, make a new request, or simply delete it from the cache index so the next time it doesn't fail, or a "show image" works.
Hmm, talking to other user, he has never got that error, so it seems something from my side. It seems difficult to get what makes this to happen.
I cleared the cache and now has happened again (4 days since the report). The cache folder is ATM 74.3 MB with 786 files in it The url about:cache?device=disk gives: Number of entries: 8180 Maximum storage size: 100000 KiB Storage in use: 76685 KiB I'll try to reduce the cache size to test if there is a critical max number of files imposed by the OS or something...
Reduced cache size to 50MB and cleared it. 1 week later, the problem hasn't been reproduced: Maximum storage size: 50000 KiB Storage in use: 49998 KiB I still think that there's some strange limit where cache files got deleted without removing them from the cache index, but now I have a workaround to solve this. From my part, I close this bug. Seems that nobody else has this problem, and that's fixed for me reducing the cache limit. So you could work in more important bugs.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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