Closed Bug 47444 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Crash while editing text in textarea


(Core :: Layout, defect, P3)






(Reporter: Kanef, Assigned: attinasi)



(Keywords: crash)


(1 file)

Same situation as bug 46629, only this time I didn't have any text selected, and
the stack trace looks completely different, involving NS_NewFrameManager,
nsStyleChangeList, and nsTextFragment::CopyTo.

I think the focus was the textarea and that the last thing I did was try to
delete the last character, but I'm not sure; the crash always startles me and I
lose my short-term memory if I'm tired.  The build id was 2000080104 (or
possibly 2000080120, which I've also been running tonight), on MacOS 8.6.

I don't think I could reproduce it, but it seemed worth filing the stack trace.
Attached file Stack trace
Sujay can you try and repro this one -- I can't repro here, it works fine
we have not been able to repro this one, but I am asking jfrancis to look at the 
stacktrace to see if he sees something that could cause the problem
Assignee: beppe → jfrancis
Keywords: crash
Target Milestone: --- → M18
Eric saw a similar problem using ime once - see 43366.  It was a layout crash 
like this one, but it only happened because the editor was creating empty text 
nodes in certain circumstance.  Apprently layout can end up trying to delete a 
stale frame in these circumstance.  cc'ing Eric and me; assigning to layout.  
This crash keeps reaering it's head.  I can keep stamping out the cases that lead 
to this situation, but that's not really the right solution.  We should fix the 
layout prob.  
Assignee: jfrancis → clayton
Component: Editor → Layout
QA Contact: sujay → petersen
*** Bug 47997 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
well, if you're going to dup 47997, we need the plat/os changed as well.
marking all/all
OS: Mac System 8.6 → All
Hardware: Macintosh → All
Re-assigning bugs on Clayton's list opened between 7/29 and 8/4 to Kevin for
further triage.
Assignee: clayton → kmcclusk
Can't reproduce on WINNT.

reassigning to Marc. 
Assignee: kmcclusk → attinasi
Sorry, I cannot reproduce it either. I do know that several problems with text 
areas have been fixed, so maybe this has too.

Marking WORKSFORME for now. Please re-open if still happening with recent build.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
I can't reproduce the crash either. Tested with the Sept 14th build under Mac 8.5  
Mac OS 9 , and Win 98.
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