Closed Bug 475461 Opened 16 years ago Closed 15 years ago

LDAP account request for try-server access for


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: Account Requests, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gal, Assigned: chizu)


We need access to our try server for I am not sure what exactly is needed for this to happen. Intel is working on a parallel compiler thread, which is a Q1 goal and this would help with that effort. Currently intel can only test with trace-tests and sunspider. Running SS on our tinderboxes would give us a direct performance comparison and help getting the patch ready to go into the TM tree. If it is absolutely impossible to grant separate try-server access, then maybe I can get try server access and then push for intel to the server (currently I can't use the try server myself either, mrbkap pushes for me).
You should have access to the try server, I think?  File another ticket for that, we'll get to the bottom of it.

(Also, seconding the request for Shengnan -- it'll help us a bunch with getting better perf data in a bunch of ways over time.)
I don't have access to mozilla-central, only TM. Try-server seems to use the same access control bits and pieces.
So, we haven't accepted account requests just for try server access in the past (in fact, I can think of multiple bugs for this same type of request that have been WONTFIX'd instead). However, if Shengnan could find some reason to get an LDAP account, he/she could then use the try server web interface to test his/her patches. Access to push to the try server via Hg is actually tied directly to the default Hg permission bit, so have that bit would allow Shengnan to push changes to most of the repos in Hg (save mozilla-central, comm-central, and maybe a few more), which probably isn't what's wanted at this time.
Can someone point me to the policy rationale that exceeds the leverage we get from adding specific people to the try server?  I'd like to understand what we're gaining from not letting contributors do their work better, and help us improve our software with less load on our existing contributors.

(I guess I could reuse the one-off account I'm getting for shark-via-try-server automation and set up a web app that lets select people into it, but that seems like a lot of work compared to us just giving try server access to the people that we want to have this access. :-( )
(In reply to comment #6)
> Can someone point me to the policy rationale that exceeds the leverage we get
> from adding specific people to the try server?

What policy? That's the problem. We have no such policy for something like this that isn't for commit access, and granting such access (to push via Hg) would in effect grant commit access at the same time. If web interface access is acceptable, we probably could just create an LDAP account for Shengnan.
The policy under which we've been WONTFIXing requests to add accounts just for try server access, I mean.  I suspect that the LDAP route is fine for Shengnan, since AIUI the web interface will suffice.

Is there a bug for making push-to-try use the same credential requirement as web-to-try?  Seems pretty odd that they're different, and with bugs in the web interface WRT applying patches to non-default repos, the push interface can be pretty handy.
(In reply to comment #8)
> The policy under which we've been WONTFIXing requests to add accounts just for
> try server access, I mean.

Bug 393298, comment #5 is the first thing I find.

> Is there a bug for making push-to-try use the same credential requirement as
> web-to-try?

Whats the next step here to get Shengnan access?
(In reply to comment #7)
> If web interface access is
> acceptable, we probably could just create an LDAP account for Shengnan.

Acceptable!  Should it go over to IT for acc't creation?
IT, just need a LDAP account created with no permissions for anything. Please make sure to send the password to Shengnan.
Assignee: marcia → server-ops
Component: Account Request: Hg → Server Operations: Account Requests
OS: Mac OS X → All
QA Contact: hg-acct-req → mrz
Hardware: x86 → All
Summary: Try-server access for → LDAP account request for try-server access for
Account created.
Assignee: server-ops → thardcastle
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thanks for all the help! 

I am able to access to change my passwd, but still unable to access I am keeping asked for login/passwd. Seems I still don't have the permission to access it. Any suggestions?
(In reply to comment #14)
> I am able to access to change my
> passwd, but still unable to access I am keeping asked
> for login/passwd. Seems I still don't have the permission to access it. Any
> suggestions?

You shouldn't need to connect to at all. Is there a reason why you think you need to?
Is there any pointer/document describing how to use the LDAP account for testing? I was just looking for such information. Thanks.
I will send Shengnan some instructions via email.
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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