Closed Bug 479562 Opened 16 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Make the "Site Navigation bar" hide disabled items


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: BijuMailList, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


bug 479004 will add customizablity to "Site Navigation bar"

This will be a nice to have item.

Many of the "Site Navigation bar" items are shown disabled.
Why cant we hide them when it is diabled.
Which in turn give use more SCREEN REALESTATE
Blocks: 157199
I suspect that this is WONTFIX since we don't want buttons appearing and disappearing depending on the site you are looking at. This makes the buttons on the toolbar "bounce" horizontally.
Having this along with bug 479004 will allow me to combine "Site Navigation bar"
and Bookmarks on "Personal toolbar". Right now it is wasting a toolbar row.
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090713 SeaMonkey/2.0b1pre - Build ID: 20090713010005

There already is the menu: View => Show/Hide => Site Navigation Bar =>
  (*) Always  ( ) Only as needed  ( ) Never
Setting it to "Only as needed" will hide the bar when all its items are greyed-out. I believe this is WORKSFORME but I'm not yet closing the bug -- Biju, maybe you meant something else? In that case, please explain more clearly.

Like Philip, I believe it would be unsettling rather than useful to have the _individual_ buttons on the site navigation bar disappear & reappear rather than being either active or greyed out (or all absent when on a site which doesn't use them, if you select "only as needed"). For one thing, it would mean that I would never know "where to shoot" at the "More" menu button.
Whiteboard: CLOSEME 2009-08-04
(In reply to comment #1)
> on the toolbar "bounce" horizontally.

right now already there is a vertical bouncing.
1. Select "only as needed" for "Site Navigation bar" 
2. Open in one tab
3. Open in another tab
4. switch between the above two tabs
User see browser content area bounce vertical.
I prefer a horizontal bounce than a vertical bounce.

For me  "Site Navigation bar" to be useful it need to take only less 
screen space. So we need this enhancement and bug 479004 to be fixed
Then I can merge "bookmark toolbar" and "Site Navigation bar" 
to appear like attachment 362850 [details]

Along with that we should also get option like
 ( ) Always  (*) Only as needed  ( ) Never
 [x] Hide disabled buttons

Hence it is clearly not a WORKSFORME. As you are developers, 
I am leaving it you guys to decide on WONTFIX
Due to usability and accessibility issues this is a WONTFIX.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Whiteboard: CLOSEME 2009-08-04
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