Closed Bug 479869 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Land New Tab button in OSX


(Firefox :: Theme, defect)

Not set



Firefox 3.1b3


(Reporter: jboriss, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached are four icons that are a fresher to the current OSX "new tab" button. They should only require image drop-ins. The four attached icons are: 1. New tab icon when the tab bar is not full 2. New tab icon when the tab bar is not full (moused over and darker) 3. New tab icon when the tab bar is full 3. New tab icon when the tab bar is full (moused over and darker) They are a change from the current version in that they are more minimal - rather than having a small tab with a plus sign, these only include a plus sign in the same style as the tab dropdown menu on the right.aceholder before beta 2.
Flags: blocking-firefox3.1?
Beta 1 is long gone :) The images don't show up for me, with some sort of error message from bugzilla.
Target Milestone: Firefox 3.1b1 → Firefox 3.1b3
Comment on attachment 363769 [details] Plus icons for moused over, non mouseded over, full row, not full row plus icons for OSX It's a zip file.
Attachment #363769 - Attachment mime type: image/png → application/zip
Jennifer, wouldn't it look better if all tab strip buttons (i.e. the scroll arrows, new tab button and dropdown list button) had a white shadow under them? Also, this won't be fixable with a simple image drop; bug 475082 needs to be reverted, too. Who decided that we're going to do this instead of the tab look? (I appreciate the decision, fwiw.)
Can I see a screenshot of what this looks like? Also, why do we think this should block?
I don't think that anyone decided to remove the tab look; Alex ui-r'd attachment 358609 [details] only a month ago, and I don't remember any recent conversations to the contrary. Having the "+" button just floating on the tabstrip seems clean, but since the hit area is actually narrow, it feels like a mismatched affordance. That said, I think the idea here was to replace the fat "+" glyph that we currently use with a cleaner, more OSX like "+" such as the one Boriss has attached here.
Flags: blocking-firefox3.1? → blocking-firefox3.1-
>why do we think this should block? The current icon is (I think) just some random famfamfam image that someone grabbed as a quick placeholder, and doesn't match anything. At some point someone made it gray because the original light blue was even more random. This should block because the icon design needs to be intentional.
If we remove the background tab appearance for the new tab button I would want us to do it for all background tabs as well, so we still only have two types of things on the tab strip instead of three types of things. Outside of that change, we do need to get the new tab button on OS X to be the correct width, I've filled follow up bug 480180.
Per conversation today, we're setting this as dependent on 480180, and I'll be adding images which are more OSXy + use faux-tab + wider to 480180.
This is actually now just a straight dupe of 480180.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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