Closed Bug 49414 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

On my machine, the app crashes on exit every single time. [@ OleRegisterMgr::~OleRegisterMgr() line 111]


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P2)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: selmer, Assigned: shanjian)



(Keywords: crash, topcrash, Whiteboard: nsbeta3+)

Crash Data

Commercial 2000-081708-M18 (and at least yesterday's build too, possibly more) NT 4.0. Launch browser w/AIM autologin. Close app. Get dialog about referencing location 0xffffffff and sometimes other addresses like 0x000000014. No talkback report because it doesn't come up in this case.
Adding crash keyword, nominating nsbeta3.
Keywords: crash, nsbeta3 can you try to reproduce this in a mozilla build. I am unable to repro with 081708 mozilla build on NT or win2K. It might help us narrow it down if you tried on mozilla and could not reproduce it.
Will look at this w/mozilla on Monday. Disambiguating summary.
Summary: My machine crashes on exit every single time. → On my machine, the app crashes on exit every single time.
Using today's 82313-m18 build with a brand new (but not activated) profile, I still get the same crash on exit. Sorry, didn't get to trying a mozilla build yet...
*** Bug 49998 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
selmer, I just searched for a talkback under your name for this issues, and cannot find one. Can you reproduce, send in a Talkback, and get stack trace data in this bug please? Thanks!
Assignee: asa → law
QA Contact: doronr → claudius
Jan, talkback doesn't come up for this hence no talkback reports on it. I need to get a debug build and see if it repros there (for some reason, I haven't had a debug build on my machine for a long time ;^)
Blocks: 7799
nav triage team: recommend nsbeta3- because no one can reproduce, no stack trace, etc. reassigning to selmer, y'all decide
Assignee: law → selmer
No longer blocks: 7799
Since 49998 was marked as a duplicate of this bug, I can provide a talkback. I've just sent one in with and TalkBack ID TB16255662Q as the ID number. Good luck!
On my Win98 machine I also crash every time. I have talkback IDs for that machine: TB16291275H and TB16246741Z.
There is talkback in this bug now. Back to you.
Assignee: selmer → law
nav triage team: nsbeta3+ setting as P2 because we don't know how many users run into this problem. Won't P1 it without a reproducable test case....
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+]
The Win98 crashes went away after I fixed my prefs. My prefs had been pointing various directories into a non-existent profile area from back in the old days when it went into the build directory. Fixing those to point into my actual profile corrected this problem on that machine. Unfortunately, I did not have a similar situation on my NT box. All directories appear to be correct and valid on my NT. This is the machine where I don't get talkback reports.
No cycles for this one unless we can reproduce it with a debug build. Steve, can you try running somebody's debug build and see if you can reproduce it? The stack trace would likely reveal what's happened. It also isn't likely an xpapps bug anyway. Maybe we could give it to somebody less doomed (but they won't likely do anything either unless we can recreate it in the laboratory).
Priority: P2 → P3
Using 9/12 mozilla build, I can reproduce this. Here is *a* stack trace I got, but I'm not sure I believe this one. DIMM! 642090db() USER32! 77e7e21c() USER32! 77e71982() NTDLL! 77f763a3() OleRegisterMgr::~OleRegisterMgr() line 111 $E20() + 42 bytes _CRT_INIT(void * 0x01c60000, unsigned long 0, void * 0x00000001) line 236 _DllMainCRTStartup(void * 0x01c60000, unsigned long 0, void * 0x00000001) line 289 + 17 bytes NTDLL! 77f69dca() KERNEL32! 77f19ffb() doexit(int 0, int 0, int 0) line 392 exit(int 0) line 279 + 13 bytes mainCRTStartup() line 345 KERNEL32! 77f1ba06() When I ran without the debugger, I got this message on the console: "###!!! ASSERTION: Component Manager being held past XPCOM shutdown.: 'cnt == 0', file d:\5\mozilla\xpcom\build\nsXPComInit.cpp, line 667" and then the memory exception followed very quickly. In the debugger, I had to wade through a whole series of assertions but never made it to this one before ending up back in the debugger. I think the message about component manager is more likely relevant.
Cleared up a lot of the assertions, I had a bogus news server defined. It seems that whether or not the component manager assertion comes before or after the crash is slightly random. I've had the crash happen first a couple times now. (Or maybe getting rid of those assertions changed things.) Anyway, now I believe the stack trace and I'm wondering if there's some configuration on my machine that might be involved. Any suggestions?
I have no idea what's going on. I see the "component manager being held past xpcom shutdown" assertion now and again. I always attributed it to bad karma. I usually say "ignore" (and sometimes it crashes?) or just "Abort" 'cause it's faster. I've seen that stack before, too, it seems. Funny thing is that there's doesn't seem to be any Mozilla code in there. It's all VC++ runtime stuff.
Could it be due to some configuration on my machine? Is it possible we're using the compiler in a way that brings us here even without explicit calls in the app?
*** Bug 52836 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
cc myself. I see this every time on my Winnt spk5 system, running commercial release builds up to today (2000-09-18-08M18) I always run installer. I saw it consistently on a co-workers system with Win 2000 spk1 also.It also occured fo me if I launch -Aim or -mail and simply exit those apps. Note, when I exit the app with the same build at home (on dialup 56k line) I won't crash. It's only on the builds on the lan at work that this crash occurs. The only other diff from the builds at home is I run a custom install to save some time. I installed Browser, mail, talkback and IM, with no language paks or java at home.
I get the same stack trace as selmer above. I'm using NT 4.0, build 1381, SP3, with MSIE 5.00.2919.6307 installed.
Keywords: topcrash
Summary: On my machine, the app crashes on exit every single time. → On my machine, the app crashes on exit every single time. [@ 0x00000040 - nsQueryInterface::operator()]
Adding topcrash keyword...this is a topcrasher according to talkback data. [@ 0x00000040 - nsQueryInterface::operator()] The stacktrace from bug 52836 is the same as those in the latest talkback reports. Here are some entries and a stacktrace: 0x00000040 19671430 line Build: 2000091506 CrashDate: 2000-09-15 UptimeMinutes: 2 Total: 151 OS: Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 URL: Comment: Crash exiting browser...aim is in sidebar logged in Win32 2000-09-15-06M18 Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=17493406 0x00000040 19671430 line Build: 2000091506 CrashDate: 2000-09-15 UptimeMinutes: 0 Total: 151 OS: Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 URL: Comment: Crash exiting browser Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=17493984 0x00000040 19671430 line Build: 2000091506 CrashDate: 2000-09-15 UptimeMinutes: 0 Total: 152 OS: Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 URL: Comment: crash exiting aim Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=17495798 0x00000040 19671430 line Build: 2000091506 CrashDate: 2000-09-15 UptimeMinutes: 115 Total: 149 OS: Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 URL: Comment: crash exiting seamonkey Win32 2000-09-15-06M18 Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=17493226 0x00000040 f12e5c88 line Build: 2000091508 CrashDate: 2000-09-17 UptimeMinutes: 16 Total: 16 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766446 URL: Comment: closing the app! arf arf arf Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=17534744 Stack trace from a crash with build 2000091508: Incident ID 17534744 0x00000040 DoPostScriptEvaluated [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\xpconnect\src\xpcwrappedjsclass.cpp, line 68] nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\xpconnect\src\xpcwrappedjsclass.cpp, line 1180] nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\xpconnect\src\xpcwrappedjs.cpp, line 319] PrepareAndDispatch [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\reflect\xptcall\src\md\win32\xptcstubs.cpp, line 102] SharedStub [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\reflect\xptcall\src\md\win32\xptcstubs.cpp, line 125]
The stuf in the talkback reports is almost certainly a dup of 52940 which I just fixed. It would have failed in different places depending randomly on how soon the free'd memory was recycled. I don't know about this OleRegisterMgr::~OleRegisterMgr() business. The first run only asserts in Component Manager are annoying but harmless. We just don't have shutdown order under very good control. I'd vote for just marking this a dup of 52940. But if there is something here you want to preserve separately then fine by me.
I have never gotten talkback to come up when hitting this problem. The OleRegister cruft is really what's in my stack trace. I don't think the stuff jpatel added belongs in this bug and I don't think this is a dup of 52940. Please don't dup/close this bug unless you can verify it. Has anyone who gets the OleRegister stack ever seen talkback come up for it?
selmer, I gotcha. Maybe you should change the subject line back to what it was or to mention "OleRegisterMgr::~OleRegisterMgr()" or the aim angle if appropriate. The addition to the subject that jpatel made threw me.
Changing summary to reflect OleRegister stack. Please take other stacks elsewhere :-)
Summary: On my machine, the app crashes on exit every single time. [@ 0x00000040 - nsQueryInterface::operator()] → On my machine, the app crashes on exit every single time. [OleRegisterMgr::~OleRegisterMgr() line 111]
When the OleRegisterMgr thing happens to me, I don't get Talkback.
Nav triage team: Minusing this because we can't reproduce consistently; however, this problem will be addressed... and addressed again... and again...
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta3-]
DIMM.DLL is related to Active IME. See It seems DIMM.DLL is not installed by default NT4/95/98 installation. You probably need to download the ActiveIME to reproduce it. add kato-san, yokoyama, and shanjian to the cc list. you may need to install some Active IME to reproduce this. For Netscape people, you can find the active IME we put in the internal place in http://blues/users/bobj/publish/MS%205.01%20LangPacks/ I believe anyone of these have dimm.dll in it.
I uninstalled the IME and rebooted and now I don't crash on exit anymore. Thanks for the info! Would a release note suffice for this? (Crashing when you were exiting anyway...)
Sorry for the confusion, but if my info from 9/18 isn't related to this bug, why is bug 52836 marked a dup of this one? Please point me to the right place or let me know if i should log a new bug for the crash involving nsQueryInterface::operator(). Thanks.
We have a fix, reportedly, reassigning.
Assignee: law → shanjian
I reproduced the bug on mozilla with NT4, it is very annoying. After I compared the implementation with mine for 4.x, I found the problem is caused by a missing function call before release AIMM. here is the diff: Index: nsToolkit.cpp =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsToolkit.cpp,v retrieving revision 3.12 diff -c -r3.12 nsToolkit.cpp *** nsToolkit.cpp 2000/04/26 06:22:21 3.12 --- nsToolkit.cpp 2000/09/21 21:02:59 *************** *** 189,194 **** --- 189,195 ---- if (!nsToolkit::gAIMMCount) { if(nsToolkit::gAIMMApp) { + nsToolkit::gAIMMApp->Deactivate(); nsToolkit::gAIMMApp->Release(); nsToolkit::gAIMMApp = NULL; }
remove nsbeta3- in status whiteboard. My fix is simple and straitforward. Same implementation for 4.x has been working for several months. I strongly recommend to check in this fix.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-]
make sense, check it in.
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: nsbeta3+
fix checked in.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: On my machine, the app crashes on exit every single time. [OleRegisterMgr::~OleRegisterMgr() line 111] → On my machine, the app crashes on exit every single time. [@ OleRegisterMgr::~OleRegisterMgr() line 111]
mass-verifying claudius' Fixed bugs which haven't changed since 2001.12.31. if you think this particular bug is not fixed, please make sure of the following before reopening: a. retest with a *recent* trunk build. b. query bugzilla to see if there's an existing, open bug (new, reopened, assigned) that covers your issue. c. if this does need to be reopened, make sure there are specific steps to reproduce (unless already provided and up-to-date). thanks! [set your search string in mail to "AmbassadorKoshNaranek" to filter out these messages.]
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Crash Signature: [@ OleRegisterMgr::~OleRegisterMgr() line 111]
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