Closed Bug 49792 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

image disappears during mouseover handler


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: English US, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ckmb, Assigned: bc)




(Keywords: helpwanted)

There are two pages which come out as disasters because of "mouse over item" giving further information. Less severely affected is which simply loses the pictures when the mouse is over them.
Mozilla will not support Layers
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Summary: Layout disasters → [LAYER] Layout disasters
Hmm, I could only find layers in the first two URL's given. Adding evangwanted for those cases and reopening to examine the last remaining case (although I suspect it's a dup). Please be sure to try again in new builds, as bug 48200 -- the source of many similar image loading problems -- has just been fixed.
Keywords: evangwanted
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Summary: [LAYER] Layout disasters → Layout disasters
Why, if mozilla will not support layers, Bonsai uses layers ?!?!?! (see for an example) And why, if Netscape 4.7 supports layers, Mozilla will not ?
Because layers aren't part of the W3C spec ( and there are ways to accomplish the same functionality that layers provided while still conforming to the spec. No need to encourage old, propietary code.
What about the disappearing pictures (animated gifs) which are supposed to animate when the mouse hovers over them at the top of These are not layers I believe.
need a minimized test case for initially guessing it's a javascript problem, but really need a smaller test case to know for sure. Not critical for NS6 RTM. Marking future.
Assignee: clayton → jst
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: helpwanted
Summary: Layout disasters → image disappears during mouseover handler
Target Milestone: --- → Future
The images on now seem to animate when moused ower and the problems on the other sites mentioned here need some evangelising so that the sites stop feeding mozilla/netscape 6 layer HTML/code... Reassigning to the Evangelism component...
Assignee: jst → blakeross
Component: Layout → Evangelism
QA Contact: petersen → zach
-> for my evangelism bugs. removing the now-depreciated evangelism-related keywords. setting platform to All.
Assignee: blakeross → evangelism
Keywords: evangwanted
Hardware: PC → All
Reassigning evangelism bugs to
Assignee: evangelism → bclary
The images on linuxstart now animate correctly but the first image over "add a site" is invisible until the mouse is over it and then disappears again once the mouse is off it. It has been exhibiting this for some time now. Build 2001051921 mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz
DUP of 32269
In 0.9.1, this bug still seems present. For example, see <a href=""></a>. The buttons on the left disappear as the page is loaded.
Ishtar. Re, the page has seriously horked HTML. See While I do see the mouseover behaviour you describe in Mozilla and not in IE, it is not clear as to the cause due to the all of the invalid HTML. We will look at this when we have more time but due to limited evangelists and higher priority sites we will have to defer analysing's problems until later. If you think this is a bug in the browser you should file a bug against the appropriate component. It appears that the original image is removed before the new image is loaded/displayed but it is not clear why. Evangelism bugs should be filed on a per site basis so that the site can be analysed, contacted, fixed and the bug resolved so we know the site is fixed. When we continue adding new sites to an evangelism bug it is not clear which site has been contacted, which site has been fixed etc. If you think this is an evangelism issue, you could take the offending page, save it locally, fix up the HTML so that it validates and then create a *new* evangelism bug and attach the HTML to the *new* evangelism bug for the site that would help us determine what is going wrong. Thanks
Since this bug has collected a number of sites and it is not clear what is happening any more and it appears that linuxstart has been fixed I am going to mark it fixed. The other sites mentioned in this site should have new evangelism bugs filed on them if they are still broken.
Closed: 25 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
All Evangelism Bugs are now in the Product Tech Evangelism. See bug 86997 for details.
Component: Evangelism → US English
Product: Browser → Tech Evangelism
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Version: other → unspecified
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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