Closed Bug 502902 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Fix SVN write hooks


(Webtools Graveyard :: Verbatim, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: wenzel, Unassigned)



Verbatim used to be capable to write localizers' changes back to SVN. Wil wrote a hook script for that (on sm-cms01, /home/verbatim/scripts). It likely still works. Need to get it up and running again and tracked in SVN (make sure it's free of sensitive data).

Please note the useful explanations Wil provided in bug 502217. The hook (and SVN) won't enforce write rights, that needs to happen in Pootle before.
After fixing an SVN conflict in de/messages.po, I was able to commit successfully: r30143.

Wil, Gandalf: We'll need to make sure conflicts (local changes vs. SVN changes) are handled properly when switching to the regular format. I hope this is handled properly in Pootle already, but it is also possible that Pootle assumes no-one besides itself changes the .po files on SVN.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Pootle is actually built to assume that someone will change a PO files in VC.  Thus when it checks in it actually makes sure the file is up-to-date and then merges any Pootle changes in.  The drawback is its slower, the advantage is that someone can edit files in VC as needed, e.g. quickly fixing a build bug.

I assume that the reason it couldn't commit was that the conflict blocked proper operation.  Being able to tell the site admin about these issues would be helpful
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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