Closed Bug 503954 Opened 15 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Archive multiple messages cause error and operation stop. "The operation failed because an other operation is using the folder"


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: troski, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [closeme 2012-06-11])


(1 file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090712 Shredder/3.0b3pre

When i try to archive multiple archives (aprox. 200+) i receive a message telling "The operation failed because an other operation is using the folder. Please wait for that operation to finish and then try again." (it could appear many times, one after another) and stop the archiving operation at that message. when i try to do it again with the remaingn messages, it does it smoothly. I want to remark that there wasn't an operation during that time

Reproducible: Sometimes

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Select multiple messages in the Message list (aprox 200+)
2.Hit the "A" button
Actual Results:  
I received a message  telling "The operation failed because an other operation is using the folder. Please wait for that operation to finish and then try again." no messages lost so far

Expected Results:  
Show the alert just whhen needed
Do you enable auto-compact? If yes, did you request Tb do it silently?
Check next settings via Config Editor. 
> mail.prompt_purge_threshhold : true/false
> mail.purge_threshhold        : NNN (in KB, Kilo-Bytes)
> mail.purge.ask               : true/false
Auto-compact is enabled, but tb ask before doing it
Local mail folder(POP3, "Local Folders")? Or IMAP folder?
If IMAP folder, offline-use=YES? NO? 
Is there any log in Tools/Activity Manager?
Is there any error message in Error Console?
Local POP3 folder, the log in activity manager says that all the messages were moved "Moved 194 messages from Inbox to 2008", no console error
Attached image Screenshot
When (A) "... failed because an other operation is using the folder..." and (B) "Moved 194 messages from Inbox to 2008" appeared, "move from Inbox to Archives/2008" was really executed? (Copied to Archives/2008? Deleted from Inbox?)

If Run filter on folder(move from source to target) is invoked while rebuild-index is running on move source folder or move target folder, dialog of (A) is displayed and filter execution silently fails although filter log says "moved" (similar to B). I think "Archive" is similar operation to filter move or bulk move.

Can you reproduce phenomenon by next?
1. Copy Inbox.msf to .../Archives.sbd/2008.msf (force outdated/corrupted msf)
   (Don't delete 2008.msf. Rebuild-index is executed during restart of Tb)
2. Restart Tb, never touch 2008(mouse-over on 2008 shouldn't be done).
3. Archive at Inbox, watching size/timestamp of files under Arcives.sbd.
From the 194 messages moved aprox. 1/3 of that
i'll try it next
i can confirm this ass well when running on my custom archive folders, it will do a month or two at a time and give the same message, sometimes it finishes in the background but most of the time not. running TB 3.0b4 linux x86
Alexis, Josh, does this still reproduce for you?
Summary: Archive multiple messages cause error and operation stop → Archive multiple messages cause error and operation stop. "The operation failed because an other operation is using the folder"
Whiteboard: [closeme 2012-06-11]
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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