Closed Bug 504277 Opened 15 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Allow updating all languages at once from SVN


(Webtools Graveyard :: Verbatim, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: wenzel, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [better verbatim])

Not sure if that makes sense in general, as all languages are "owned" by different people, but I feel like there should be a way (for an admin) to update all languages at once, and not having to click through each of them one by one.
Sorry, Fred.  Not understanding.  Please describe "updating".
@seth: yes I am watching these bugs :)

Updating here means taking the translated text and aligning it with the reference text.  So e.g. taking French and updating it to align with the reference Enlish text.  The new French would contain: all existing unchanged translation, any new text that needs translating, any text that changed that needs review and updating.

A one button click would allow an admin administrating 100 languages to do this quickly.
Yes, thanks for explaining that, Dwayne. Language admins can of course update their language from SVN whenever they like, but I noticed that in order to do that for all of them, I have to click through all locales by hand currently.

is there a bug on locamotion for this? Is there a plan to work on this at all?
Whiteboard: [better verbatim]
I actually think that what Dwayne described in comment 2 is a different bug, which I filed: bug 697428.

This bug should be about making it possible to update all locales in a project from SVN with a single click.  

Bug 697428 is about updating all locales in a project from templates with a single click.
Here is a bug where we tracked progress on a management command to do updates and commits from the command line:

Further work on simplifying things can hopefully follow soon.
This was resolved with the last update to Verbatim and is documented at the bottom here:
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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