Closed Bug 504501 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Odd window state after leaving full-screen (F11) mode on Windows CE


(Core :: Widget, defect, P2)

Windows CE





(Reporter: Dolske, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [nv])

After leaving full screen more on Windows CE, the window seems to get into an odd state... Start with the window maximized, enter full-screen mode, then click the minimize widget ("_") in the toolbar. The browser looks like it starts to exit full-screen mode, but returns to a not-maximized window that's running full-screen mode inside it! No title bar, can't resize it, browser toolbar has full-screen widgets and auto-hides when the mouse isn't over it. I've also noticed that if you start with the window not-maximized, enter full-screen mode, then try to click the minimize widget in the toolbar -- nothing happens. Maybe more fallout from bug 484488?
Whiteboard: [nv]
yeah, probably a regression. Can you put printf()'s in SetSizeMode and MakeFullScreen. Then send them over?
So, on startup I get: ::SetSizeMode 0 ::SetSizeMode 0 ::SetSizeMode 2 ::SetSizeMode 2 For the first case of comment 0, I get: --- View -> Full Screen --- ::MakeFullScreen 1 ::SetSizeMode 2 ::SetSizeMode 2 --- Click minimize --- ::SetSizeMode 1 ::SetSizeMode 1 No call to MakeFullScreen(0). For the second case of comment 0, I get: --- View -> Full Screen --- ::SetSizeMode 2 ::MakeFullScreen 1 ::SetSizeMode 2 ::SetSizeMode 2 --- click minimize --- ::SetSizeMode 1
justin - i fixed something similar to this for gtk2: bug 512575
WinCE/Windows Mobile support has been removed from the main build system, Spidermonkey, mobile installer, in-app updater and so on (see bug 614720, bug 554087 and all their dependants). Until such point where MS decide to release a Windows Phone 7 NDK and the decision is made to port to that platform, this is WONTFIX. Filter bugmail on WinCEMassWONTFIX.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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