Closed Bug 505261 Opened 15 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Automate config update for product version bumps


(Socorro :: General, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: whimboo, Unassigned)



(1 file)

For now Webdev has to keep track of any product version bump and has to run a manual query to insert the new version (query page, by url/domain,...). Lately some of the tables were empty because we forgot to add versions to the config table, see bug 505103.

It would be great when this could be automated and the config get updated for each version bump.
No, I really think this should be manual and be part of an admin interface. Making this automated might be bad if people submit incorrect version numbers (and even products!) and the automation ends up populating the table with them. We already get invalid version numbers and products submitted (there's a bug filed to stop processing the non-Mozilla products at least).

I think this is WONTFIX in favor of the admin interface solution (which there's a bug filed on somewhere).
    I see two ways to make this better:

    1: Update the current system to provide an easy user interface to add products
    and versions. Needs LDAP or similar if it is to be a web interface.

    2: Update the back end to automatically add products and versions that are seen
    more than once

    If I recall correctly, at least one developer preferred option 1 to avoid too
    much noise from crashes during the few days of run-up to a release.

    Option 2 is only several lines of code away from the current state of the 'new
    normalized views' code base; and we have a back end mechanism in place that
    could be used to turn off processing for invalid product/version combinations.
    The front end for that mechanism would probably look very much like a mirror
    image of option 1.

    Other options might exist. In Bug 505103 morgamic mentions screen scraping I think this would have problems similar to those
    mentioned for option 2 (and it would probably be a little more difficult).
Err, I was thinking of just the list on the query page. But as Frank mentions, we don't want to start certain reports (like MTBF) too early but we do want others started early and run for a unknown amount of time (like topcrashes by signature). There was a thread going around about doing this semi-automated when possible (i.e., for specific reports which we know when to start), but not all of them can be automated and the rest will need to be manually started, preferably via a web interface.
There should be a way to automate this by scraping build info from the ftp rsync, but if we had an admin panel I think we'd still want to just log in and set things up ourselves.
Target Milestone: --- → 1.3
How is this different from the current product / version utility in the admin panel?  Is an automated process still necessary?
We have the admin panel so this is low priority.  Pushing to future.
Target Milestone: 1.3 → Future
Attached image Screenshot
An easy way to automate this would be to run a nightly cron task that would check for the number of records associated with each product/version that is considered a missing entry.  If that product/version has over 100 records, then automatically add that product/version.
Severity: major → normal
Component: Socorro → General
Product: Webtools → Socorro
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Not a 100% dupe, but the problem was solved by 674605
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