Open Bug 510069 Opened 15 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Outlook (ICS) invitations don't show the button to accept/refuse the invitation


(Calendar :: E-mail based Scheduling (iTIP/iMIP), defect)

Windows Vista


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rafonso, Unassigned)



(1 file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Build Identifier: 3.0b3

Outlook (ICS) invitations received by TB 3.0b3 with Lightning 1.0pre and Gprovider 0.6pre don't show the option to accept/refuse the invitation any more. I am using the latest nightly build of Gprovider and Lightning.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Receive an Outlook invitation
2.Buttons don't appear so I can't accept the event

Actual Results:  
Buttons to accept/refuse don't appear

Expected Results:  
Buttons to accept/refuse should appear

Google calendars show normally. I can creat new events normally on my google calendars.
It works on TB 2.x, Lightning 0.9 and Gprovider 0.5.
I believe there is a FAQ item regarding accepting invitations. To make it short: accepting invitations onto a google calendar is not advisable and therefore disabled by default.

Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
@phillip: In the main bug for this item, bug 407961 comment 27 you state this has been fixed by google and you claim you enabled this again? The faq points to bug 400808 which is resolved as a dupe of bug 407961. On the weblog of oct 15th 2008 you also stated this. About the same time the repository moved, so maybe this didn't make in to comm-central?
@phillip: Yes, it worked with 2.x (I filled up the bug 456865), but with 3.0b3, 1.0pre and 0.6pre it doesn't work any more. All the preferences are the same as I used in TB 2.x, and the Accept/Refuse buttons don't appear, as it appeared in TB 2.x.

Thanks for your reply!
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Have you enabled the menu option View > Display Attachments Inline? Lightning can't process invitations if this option is disabled .

Do you see any error messages in Tools > Error Console?
Version: unspecified → Trunk
@stefan: Yep, enabled. the invitation shows perfectly inside the email box. Just the accept/refuse buttons don't appear.

An additional info is, I only have Google Calendars on my Lightning.
@stefan: Oh, and no errors, related to this, on the console. Thanks again!
There was quite some confusion around the invite attendees bug, sorry about that.

While Google has fixed the bug that attendees are notified 24 hours before the event if they want to or not, this doesn't really improve the situation w.r.t. invitations. What I enabled for 0.5.1 was sending email invitations by default when you add an event to your calendar.

With invitations, there were quite some issues I had, since the provider is basically adding a new event to Google too. This way you would still send out invitations to all attendees if you accept an invitation, so I believe also for 0.5.1 I disabled accepting to a google calendar by default. As said, you should be able to re-enable this behavior using the options noted in the FAQ, but do so *at your own risk*.

To be more clear, it is not enough to have the same options as in 0.9, you need to explicitly change the preferences as noted in the FAQ.

I hope this explains it well.
I believe my problem matches this one.

I am using Thunderbird 12.0.1 + Lightning 1.4 on Fedora 17.

Invitations sent via Outlook through Google mail with .ics attachments display the .ics attachment, the formatted .ics email body, and the header blurb "This message contains an invitation to an event."

However, the "Invitations" link doesn't appear in the status bar.

Sometimes when this happens (missing "Invitations" link), an entry with a dotted outline will appear in the calendar, which can be right-clicked and the meeting accepted.

Sometimes if you just bide your time, the link will appear after a while.

Sometimes you get a whole lot of nothing. I will attach an email which produced a whole lot of nothing. I've edited out all the email addresses and IP addresses.

If you drag the .ics attachment into the "Today" pane, the event will be created, but it will re-invite all the attendees (which is embarrassing).
I'm experiencing this issue with Thunderbird 15 + Lightning 1.7 on Kubuntu 12.04 64 bit.
This problem has reappeared at some point.  When I first installed lightning it worked, now as of 3.3.3 it no longer works.  while I understand it may be 'unadvisable' is it still somewhat silly to make it impossible.
Summary: Can't accept ICS invitations → Outlook (ICS) invitations don't show the button to accept/refuse the invitation
Severity: normal → S3
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