Closed Bug 518806 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

make deliver lightweight themes to Firefox 3.6


(Websites Graveyard ::, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dao, Assigned: rdoherty)



Firefox 3.6 will support the following events: InstallBrowserTheme (formerly SelectPersona) PreviewBrowserTheme (formerly PreviewPersona) ResetBrowserThemePreview (formerly ResetPersona) The attribute that contains the JSON data is called "data-browsertheme" (formerly "persona"). Attachment 399709 [details] is an example for that.
A note on why I chose different terms... Apart from my obvious attempt to use "theme" rather than "persona" consistently, the "data-" prefix makes the attribute valid HTML5.
(In reply to comment #0) > Attachment 399709 [details] is an example for that. Verified attachment example works with latest trunk.
wfm, but we'll still keep the previous events and attributes to support the Personas add-on.
Assignee: nobody → rdoherty
We need to get this in for the Firefox 3.6 beta, so that testers can exercise the feature, but I have no flags to mark it with. Ryan, is it likely to take a long time to get this live? Beta code freeze is targeted for this week.
Ah - beltzner just added the flag to this component. Flagging blocking, P1. Sorry to pounce, Ryan - I would have marked this sooner if I had a mechanism.
Flags: blocking-firefox3.6+
Priority: -- → P1
(In reply to comment #4) > Ryan, is it likely to take a long time to get this live? Beta code freeze is > targeted for this week. I can get it up on staging by eod today ( has a push tuesday night (7/29) which it can be bundled with.
Awesome - thanks for the quick response.
Will 3.6 still have the 'CheckPersonas' event available? I use some detection to tell if Firefox has Personas installed and need that to set the 'Wear this' buttons appropriately (and call the correct events).
(In reply to comment #8) > Will 3.6 still have the 'CheckPersonas' event available? I use some detection > to tell if Firefox has Personas installed and need that to set the 'Wear this' > buttons appropriately (and call the correct events). Actually, nvm. I can sniff for 3.6.
(In reply to comment #9) > Actually, nvm. I can sniff for 3.6. (and up. :)
r52457 adds new events on top of old Personas events. Should be on stage in about ~10 mins. Push to prod is scheduled for tmrw evening.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Looks great - we will have to figure out the rest of it (whether to offer personas as an addon for 3.6/3.7 users in quite so prominent a way, whether we should change the copy to reflect the fact that support is built in) but that's all separate bugs. It'll be great to have this in production, thanks again for the quick turnaround, Ryan.
No problem :) I did just notice that the preview events aren't working (3.6b1pre). Do I need a nightly?
You'll need a reasonably recent nightly to have any support, but if install is working and preview isn't, it's because "" isn't on the default-trusted list (only and are). To trust 1) Go to the front page 2) Page Info->Permissions 3) Uncheck Use Default for "Install Extensions and Themes", instead always allow.
Thanks, that worked!
(In reply to comment #11) > r52457 adds new events on top of old Personas events. Should be on stage in > about ~10 mins. Push to prod is scheduled for tmrw evening. Looks like it's gone live - everything working as advertised, thanks Ryan!
So we're planning on moving images from to a CDN (bug 519851). Can 3.6 handle loading images from a different domain ( for example)?
(In reply to comment #17) > So we're planning on moving images from to a CDN (bug 519851). > Can 3.6 handle loading images from a different domain ( > for example)? yes
Whiteboard: [fixed for 1.9.2, no status flag to set]
Right now adds a lot of extra data in the JSON blob: name accentcolor textcolor header footer category description author detailURL headerURL footerURL previewURL iconURL I'm planning on removing all but the 6 used in attachment 399709 [details]. Are there any that are actually necessary?
See lines 7207-7209: The personas extension might use additional data like 'category' or different key names like 'header' instead of 'headerURL'.
Verified FIXED; this is well-tested, now.
Whiteboard: [fixed for 1.9.2, no status flag to set]
Product: Websites → Websites Graveyard
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