Closed Bug 52094 Opened 24 years ago Closed 20 years ago

hyatt should give ben $50


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect, P1)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugs, Assigned: hyatt)




(6 keywords)


(1 file)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.73 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) BuildID: 123456789 Currently, I have money, but $50 would sure be nice, especially if I didn't have to do anything to get it. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: wallet 2.look inside $50 Actual Results: No $50 Expected Results: $50, from hyatt.
For fifty bucks, I expect service with a smile.
I'm with you up until step 2, but I can't understand how to reproduce step 3. How is `no $50' a step to reproduce? [btw, hyatt, I'd also like $50, and I'm even willing to smile. then again, i'm a minor by law, so depending on the service you're referring to, it may be illegal for me to get involved...
I can't reproduce that reliably here, but it does happen intermittently. Considering your user agent, perhaps we could pay you to use dogfood? Oh yeah, we already do... Adding newmod, helpwanted keywords, ->future. Note that, to verify this, jrgm will need to look in his wallet and see $50 too.
Keywords: helpwanted, newmod
Target Milestone: --- → Future
I demand that this be escalated! I'm tired of paying the $1.50 service fee at the Tech Credit ATM in 22!
hmm. WHO CONFIRMED THIS! When I launch mozilla and open the wallet there doesn't seem to be a spot for money :) just credit cards. Reporter: Please explan how money goes in the computer (cd drive?)
I can't seem to reproduce this bug. After following steps 1 and 2, there's clearly three polymer-plastic yellow-brown coloured Aussie $50 notes. Maybe this bug is only present on American builds of Wallet...
Well, I guess three Aussie $50 notes are almost worth a US $50... ;-)
Obviously NS aren't paying you enough Ben ??
nah, he just spends it all on donuts ;)
in your dreams.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
this is bad. the fact that this was closed as WONTFIX didn't help my fragile constitution much. Marking P2, scheduling for M18 pending nervous breakdown.
Priority: P3 → P2
Target Milestone: Future → M18
OK, per recommendation, updating summary and reassigning.
Assignee: hyatt → don
Component: XP Toolkit/Widgets: XBL → XP Apps
Summary: give ben $50 → give ben $500
Summary: give ben $500 → get hyatt to give ben $500
Component: XP Apps → Y2k
Maybe this should go to evangelism for blake to work on evanging hyatt to work with mozilla.
I can reproduce the original bug. All I see is $35. Hyatt: if you get a chance, please give me $50 (or $500) as well.
sk3: now wait here. If non NS people are going to get money, I should too. After all, I confirm and verify bugs :)
zach: I'm not the one dishing out the money, take it to Hyatt!
Cheap-ass commie Linux users won't see the lack of $50 as a problem. Adding pp keyword.
Keywords: pp
Updating summary to be more fair
Summary: get hyatt to give ben $500 → get hyatt to give everyone $500
Updating summary to be more fair
Summary: get hyatt to give everyone $500 → get hyatt to give everyone $500, because ben deserves it
Jeez, whyinthehell do I always own these bugs?
moving to browser-general component. the `Y2k' component is being retired...
Component: Y2k → Browser-General
component to printing. Maybe we can have a print money feature in mozilla.
Component: Browser-General → Printing
Marking "Future" because, of course, we do really want to fix this bug at some time.
Target Milestone: M18 → Future
Should this be in the PR3 release notes, the RTM release notes, or both? And, could someone provide a non-technical explanation of this bug, please?
nav triage team: we can ship without this but will accept if we get a patch. adding [RTM NEED INFO] to request a patch. reassigning to hamerly who may have to escalate.
Assignee: don → hamerly
Whiteboard: [RTM NEED INFO]
Also changing summary back to $50. $500 would be over-engineering.
Summary: get hyatt to give everyone $500, because ben deserves it → get hyatt to give everyone $50, because ben deserves it
Some other QA and I agree that Ben should get $50 if he can eat 10 whoppers in 8 hours. We are admittedly doubtful, since Ben seems to be just a little bit smaller than Claudius...
I've easily reproduced this bug, heck, I've got four kids, two in college/grad school! If you can't repro this one, come see me and I'll "help". I'm willing to kick in $10 bucks to help Ben out, I'll even buy him some donuts on a one-time basis. Re-assigning to don, ben's manager cause I'm a bona-fida pointy-headed manager.
Assignee: hamerly → don
I would agree with Blake: Claudius may in fact be able to eat Ben entirely. Thanks Jim! I'm glad that our veep recognizes the seriousness of this bug report, taking the time to reproduce it himself. BTW, can someone explain to me why the Hell this is a Win2K platform-only bug and why it's considered a "pp" (platform parity) problem? I thought wallets, by their very nature, were cross platform. Then again, I have seen some big-ass wallets on occssion. Speaking of wallets, shouldn't Steve Morse really own this bug?
Jeez, I can't believe this was "RTM NEED INFO"!
Whiteboard: [RTM NEED INFO]
I18N, L10N: the currency symbol should of course be externalised. I'd like £50.
I managed to come up with a minimised testcase: Don: This bug was marked 'pp' because it will not affect Linux users, who, it is argued, have no need for money. See Adam D. Moss 2000-09-21 04:45 comment. Moving to "Autofill" component for obvious reasons.
Component: Printing → Autofill
Keywords: testcase
simplifying the summary. if it's going to be too costly, gramps is never going to be able to fix this bug.
Summary: get hyatt to give everyone $50, because ben deserves it → get hyatt to give ben $50
Raising priority to get some traction on this before gramps leaves us.
Priority: P2 → P1
It will be a cold day in hell before I give you even a penny.
Well that must have been November 15, because people said the same thing about Netscape 6....
er, Netscape 6 shipping, that is.
Reassigning to Vishy as don has left.
Assignee: don → vishy
updating summary to reflect christmas spirit, inflation and a penalty for the delay in fixing this bug. hyatt now shd give ben $100.
Summary: get hyatt to give ben $50 → get hyatt to give ben $100
awwwwww, man....
This is obviously an international affair since it involves a New Zealander asking an American for money. Changing component to Internationalization. And that will get it off Vishy's radar when he looks for wallet bugs to triage.
Component: Form Manager → Internationalization
Hyatt's plan is becoming clear: if he waits long enough, Ben will have left the US and so Hyatt will be saved the $100.
Well, I will _visiting_ the US sometime over the next few weeks, so maybe if I donated $20 while I was there we could finally mark this one as in-progress!?
Sure; it would probably be best if you dropped it by my cube while you were here (or post it to me), I can deal with it from there on. Would that be ok?
let's not change the purpose of this bug, please. David will continue to need to give me $100 no matter which country I am in.
nominating for nsbeta1
Since Hyatt is not doing his part here, I decided to let the rest of the community join in the fun. Go to and donate money (fake money, but who cares :) Somewhat like the hungersite, you can give money to ben!
Before I donate, I need Ben to put forward a case of why he is worthy for the money, and what he is going to use it for.
For why, see I expect he will put the money towards buying lego.
This is newmod?!? Well, ok, then it's probably nsonly, too...
Keywords: nsonly
is ben a non-profit organization? how would we treat donations to him on our tax forms?
Keywords: newmodmodern
Pav: I would guess he's a charity case...
Reassigning to pchen, and resetting requested amount to $50 to increase my chances of getting it.
Assignee: vishy → pchen
Summary: get hyatt to give ben $100 → get hyatt to give ben $50
how is this bug changed now that Ben has left the U.S.?
The bug remains the same. David still needs to give me US$50. I will execute a currency conversion when the exchange rate suits it.
Summary: get hyatt to give ben $50 → get hyatt to pay ben's car insurance premiums
The best quote I've got so far is NZ$3285 per annum from the National Auto Club. The other quote (from the other org. that'd insure the Silvia) was $3688. I'll take the lower of the two. Updating the summary to reflect this change in requirements.
Updating summary to reflect a new goal. I'm curious if this is physically possible. I would suggest that some burly New Zealander try it and report their findings to us all in this bug report.
Summary: get hyatt to pay ben's car insurance premiums → shove ben's head up his own ass
will attempt for stated fee.
Summary: shove ben's head up his own ass → shove ben's head up his own ass for price of annual auto insurance
bah. All this insanity has resulted in reduced emphasis on the original focus of this bug report. Changing summary back to what it was originally.
Summary: shove ben's head up his own ass for price of annual auto insurance → get hyatt to give ben $50
In all fairness, I think 50 rubles are in order for our man Goodger. Russian dollars are acceptable, right? And wouldn't this be a topperf bug? Doesn't Ben need his money for top performance?
Banking on Ben not reading his bugmail (why would he start now?)...
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
... tempting fate ...
...well that's that then...
not so fast
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
If you leave the bug open, I'll take NZ$50, although that offer is good for this week only.
And if we close it again?
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Resummarizing, changing amount to US$20,000. I need about this much to make up a down payment on a house. I'll put in the other $20,000.
Assignee: pchen → hyatt
Summary: get hyatt to give ben $50 → hyatt should give ben $20,000
Component: Internationalization → Tracking
Keywords: meta
Enough is enough.
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Oh My God No, not the bug, but the fact that there are still 6 votes! :)
No longer depends on: 115341
Gosh, this bug is still active? Adding a few zeros. ;-)
Summary: hyatt should give ben $20,000 → hyatt should give ben $20,000,000
Summary: hyatt should give ben $20,000,000 → hyatt should give ben $50
This bug is now featured on the homepage (click on Bugzilla screenshot)! lol... so who was it that picked out the bug to use? Ben?
Probably... cool bug :)
Of course, if this bug is fixed, then the entire community would have to receive $50 or else it would have to be reopened.
No, that would be a "give everyone $50" metabug, which this would block.
Too bad they don't have a $50 here _____________________________________________________________________ | | | =================================================================== | | |%/^\\%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&{ Federal Reserve Note }%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&//^\%| | | |/inn\)===============------------------------===============(/inn\| | | |\|UU/ { UNITED STATES OF AMERICA } \|UU/| | | |&\-/ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~=====~~~~~~~~~~~ P8188928246 \-/&| | | |%//) ~~~_~~~~~ // ___ \\ (\\%| | | |&(/ 13 /_\ // /_ _\ \\ ~~~~~~~~ 13 \)&| | | |%\\ // \\ :| |/ ~ \| |: 3.21 /| /\ /\ //%| | | |&\\\ ((iR$)> }:P ebp || |"- -"| || || |||| |||| ///&| | | |%\\)) \\_// sge || (|e,e|? || || |||| |||| ((//%| | | |&))/ \_/ :| `._^_,' |: || |||| |||| \((&| | | |%//) \\ \\=// // || |||| |||| (\\%| | | |&// R265402524K \\U/_/ // series || \/ \/ \\&| | | |%/> 13 _\\___//_ 1932 13 <\%| | | |&/^\ Treasurer ______{Franklin}________ Secretary /^\&| | | |/inn\ ))--------------------(( /inn\| | | |)|UU(================/ ONE HUNDERED DOLLARS \================)|UU(| | | |{===}%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%a%a%a%a%a%a%a%a%a%a%a%a%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&{===}| | | ==================================================================== | |______________________________________________________________________|
It's been a couple of years. interest rates and all. $100 now. Other folks - do not mess with the summary, I mean business. It's $100.
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Summary: hyatt should give ben $50 → hyatt should give ben $100
If you keep this up, I will send the Chrome Registry over to your house to break your kneecaps. It can do it too. You've seen its code.
I've come up with a testcase. It appears that a error in nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp:1000 is causing prices in car manufacturer sites to be massively inflated. Its back to "telnet 80" for me.... (there is no bug in nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp except for the fact that its too big)
Adding access keyword (...making Mozilla accessible to users with ... special needs).
Flags: blocking1.6a?
Keywords: access
Steffen: Was that accidentally done on the wrong bug? If not, I don't mean to be a killjoy, but we shouldn't be wasting the time of drivers. This bug is cute and all, but I don't think they'll appreciate that.
Flags: blocking1.6a?
Hi, What is this a joke or a surious bug? I am confused on this one.
Actually, it's a Sirius bug. The problem apparently stems from planetary and star alignment issues. Wait until Capricorn is in full force, and the bug may disappear due to a phenomenon known as a 'Christmas Bonus'.
Hi, Well it makes no scence to me.
Severity: blocker → critical
It's not so much a Sirius issue as a XM issue. This $100 would go well towards my XM Satellite receiver.
Wow. I got hyatt drunk and he gave me fifty bucks, in cash. After more than four years, I think I can consider this bug fixed.
Closed: 23 years ago20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: hyatt should give ben $100 → hyatt should give ben $50
Depends who bought the drink. If you did, it's hardly a good deal.
Verified, I watched it with my own eyes. But if I recall correctly, it was only $49. If there are any "hyatt should give ben a lap dance" bugs, those can be resolved too. What a crazy night it was.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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