Closed Bug 526618 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Resizing window to a small size causes the taskbar preview to also be small


(Firefox :: Shell Integration, defect)

Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: u88484, Unassigned)



(Keywords: uiwanted)

Resizing window to a small size causes taskbar preview to also be small

1) Load any page in at least two tabs
2) Resize the window so that about 15 pixels are showing
3) Look at taskbar preview and notice a few pixels of the preview are shown

The preview should still show the full page in the preview
IE8 previews re-size according to the window, and since we are looking for parity that would seem to be intended. However, Fx previews can be so small that it seems less than ideal. In IE8 you at least get a glimpse of the tabs' contents.
That first part is true.  I was going to test that but found bug 526620 so I forgot but can confirm that now.

I get the same behavior in IE8 but that is less then idea and if we can fix it, it would be nice instead of leaving it crappy since MS did.
Sorry for the spam, IE showa glimpse for non-active tabs.  For active tabs the chrome is mostly shown and a small area of the page.  For inactive tabs, the same size preview as the active tab is shown but it is all page content and no content.  Another bug or just morph this?
(In reply to comment #3)
> Sorry for the spam, IE showa glimpse for non-active tabs.  For active tabs the
> chrome is mostly shown and a small area of the page.  For inactive tabs, the
> same size preview as the active tab is shown but it is all page content and no
> content.  Another bug or just morph this?

That's an IE8 bug and we don't have it - right? If I understand what you're saying in this bug, when you resize a window to be really small, we shouldn't resize the tab previews because then they're not helpful. Is this right?
(In reply to comment #4)
> (In reply to comment #3)
> > Sorry for the spam, IE showa glimpse for non-active tabs.  For active tabs the
> > chrome is mostly shown and a small area of the page.  For inactive tabs, the
> > same size preview as the active tab is shown but it is all page content and no
> > content.  Another bug or just morph this?
> That's an IE8 bug and we don't have it - right? If I understand what you're
> saying in this bug, when you resize a window to be really small, we shouldn't
> resize the tab previews because then they're not helpful. Is this right?

Correct or do it like IE and show the chrome from only the active tab an only the page content for the inactive tabs.

(In reply to comment #3)
> For inactive tabs, the same size preview as the active tab is shown but 
> it is all page content and no content.  Another bug or just morph this?
This should have been, "it is all page content and no chrome".
Keywords: uiwanted
It took a while but I finally remembered what this bug was about. IE8 is inconsistent in its behavior and I don't think we should copy it verbatim. I do see value in having a larger preview for those small windows but I don't think we should do it because:
a) Who resizes the window to be that small and expects useful content? I don't think it's a large use case if even a legitimate one at all.
b) I think being consistent with the view presented in the browser is important.
c) Fixing this for pages that don't have scrollbars is hard

So I'm going to resolve this as WONTFIX unless someone convinces me it's worth it.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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