Closed Bug 52927 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

"Threaded" view and "Unread" view should not be exclusive


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ewv, Assigned: sspitzer)



(Keywords: helpwanted, Whiteboard: [rtm-])

Netscape 4.x allows the viewing, in threaded mode, of only the new Newsgroup
messages. Mozilla should have this capability to, but selecting "Threaded" view
makes selecting "Unread" impossible and vice-versa.

Build ID is 2000091506
moving to future milestone.  This isn't going to be supported at the moment.
Ever confirmed: true
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Changing qa contact
QA Contact: esther → fenella
*** Bug 55087 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
this makes me grumpy ;) how involved is the fix?
Keywords: 4xp, rtm
very. major architecture change hence the reason why I'm marking rtm- :)
Whiteboard: [rtm-]
*** Bug 57893 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Changing OS to All, as I see it on Windows too. This bug is really annoying and 
breaks very basic functionality and convenience of use. I think we should raise 
the priority and fix it, otherwise it will keep people from using our client to 
read newsgroups.
OS: Linux → All
As a "dumb user", I agree this is critical.  I am enjoying Mozilla as a 
newsreader, but this is the one issue that has prevented me from "committing" 
to it over Outlook Express.  This is the only reason I found the bug - I was 
hoping to find it a regression that a later pull would magically fix.

I added my CC to the bug as I am willing to spend some cycles on this.  
However, putterman's comment about "major architecture change" scared me from 
volunteering.  But I am willing to help here, even if it means running a 
patched trunk for a while until we can get a fix accepted ;-)
adding mail3 keyword.

Like I said, I want to fix this, but there are a number of changes that have to
happen first. Those things are in the works, but it can't work with the current
Keywords: mail3
reassigning to sspitzer
Assignee: putterman → sspitzer
*** Bug 60766 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
mmmm...this would be beautiful...
marking nsbeta1-.  We need to make threading work correctly first before we can
get to this.
Keywords: nsbeta1-
accepting.  in my work to fix threading (which is on going) I'm think I'm close
to fixing this.  

I've got the UI (menu) change, and most of the back end changes.  

all that is left is to fix a bug where I'm getting too many false negatives.
(threads are showing up as having unread messages when they don't.)

if you have "thread" and "unread" it acts like 4.x did when you did "View |
Threads with Unread"

adding laurel to the cc list, I could use her eagle eyes to help verify that we
behave like 4.x did.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Tested this on linux 2001010408. This isn't exactly as in 4.x in that you seem
to be displaying the whole thread (or at least all ancestors) for each unread

In some sense this is perhaps better especially since the 4.x method of showing
ancestors and making them clickable isn't implemented. (There is a bug for that

Thanks for fixing this.
Another thing. In Unread/Threaded mode, if you have all but one (message which 
originated the thread) messages read, this one message will be displayed (as it 
should be) but it will retain this small 'thread' icon at the left, which I 
think should not be there. Must be an easy fix.
Linux (2001-01-17-06 mtrunk)
Win32 (2001-01-17-06 mtrunk)
Mac (2001-01-17-08 mtrunk)
This problem is fixed.  Both "Threaded" view and "Unread" view can be displayed
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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