Closed Bug 534857 Opened 15 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Flash Player Beta 10.1 disables Crash-reporter


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jmjjeffery, Assigned: cliss)


The lastest Flash player beta 10.1.x is causing the Crash-reporter in Minefield builds to not fire when Minefield crashes. 

We have seen this before in one of their beta's.  Looks like whatever it was has crept back into this build of the Flash Player beta.
See also bug 422308, bug 503645.

CCing some Adobe folks. This behavior is ruinous to our crash reporting efforts.
I can confirm this.  We are investigating.
Assignee: nobody → cliss
Note that like Flash 9 (bug 422308) this seems to be Windows only.
Bug logged - 2509522
WFM using Version: Shockwave Flash 10.1 d51.

I filed a couple of bugs yesterday (bug 535280 and bug 535576) in which flash was on the pages and I got the crash reporter.  Those bugs are related to OOPP so maybe this bug is WFM with OOPP enabled?
With OOPP, we likely just won't get crash reporting from the plugin process (which is not yet hooked up anyway), but is still bad.
Yeah, flash is loading in the other process so it doesn't screw breakpad for the browser.
Just tested the latest 10.1 beta release build, and the issue continues, in that the crash-reporter is blocked from coming up. 

10.1 beta 2 available here:
It turns out this is expected behavior until the Flash Player it out of Beta development.  We have things in the development builds that will unfortunately get in the way of breakpad.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
The unfortunate side effect here is that you also won't get any crash reporting data in our system from your beta users who use Firefox. Do you have some sort of reporting built into your beta versions?
I am aware of that and it is unfortunate.  We do have crash reporting enabled by default for development builds.  We're looking to change the default behavior but for the moment this is where we're at.
Good news.  Were getting this fixed.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Good news.  Were getting this fixed.
Testing with today's trunk build, and the latest Flash beta 10.1 beta 3 
10.1 d51 The crash-reporter works when Firefox is crashed.  

Thanks to commenter in #12 about getting this fixed.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:1.9.3a2pre) Gecko/20100224 Minefield/3.7a2pre Firefox/3.6 ID:20100224060607
Closed: 15 years ago14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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