Closed Bug 53836 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

JS errors on page loading: reference to undefined property window._content.HTTPIndex


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rubydoo123, Assigned: nhottanscp)



Loading web pages (e.g., I see lots of these errors: JavaScript strict warning: chrome://navigator/content/navigator.js line 1970: reference to undefined proper ty window._content.HTTPIndex
I think ben can handle this better. I let you decide.
Assignee: radha → don
Yep. More correctness fun for Ben. Ben, do we really need to fix this stuff before RTM?
Assignee: don → ben
The culprit here is the checkForDirectoryListing() function, which nhotta added. CCing him.
There is another bug filed for this. The bug 53470 which was resolved as a dup of 51211.
This is really really annoying since it totally floods the console with errors!
OS: Windows NT → All
Reassign to nhotta. nhotta: i looked at the other bugs, and none of them addressed the JS error specifically, so this should stay open for that. I'm also worried about the amount of times we're calling a JS function that is only there to detect directory listings. Can't this be optimized?
Assignee: ben → nhotta
The amount of times this to be called to be fixed by bug 51211. I applied the patch of 51211 then I only saw one warning per page load. And here is a patch for the warning. Index: browser/resources/content/navigator.js =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/browser/resources/content/navigator.js,v retrieving revision 1.233 diff -c -r1.233 navigator.js *** navigator.js 2000/09/20 12:23:49 1.233 --- navigator.js 2000/09/27 20:39:04 *************** *** 1967,1973 **** } function checkForDirectoryListing() { ! if ( window._content.HTTPIndex == "[xpconnect wrapped nsIHTTPIndex]" && typeof window._content.HTTPIndex == "object" && --- 1967,1974 ---- } function checkForDirectoryListing() { ! if ( "HTTPIndex" in window._content && ! window._content.HTTPIndex == "[xpconnect wrapped nsIHTTPIndex]" && typeof window._content.HTTPIndex == "object" &&
adding "approval" keyword, bug has a potential patch.
Keywords: approval
*** Bug 55381 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
r=sfraser on the patch.
*** Bug 55381 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Ftang - Doesn't this need to be marked as [RTM Need Info]? Adding FTang to cc: list.
Target Milestone: --- → M22
nominating for mozilla0.9, if you think this should go into rtm, please nominate.
Keywords: mozilla0.9, patch
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 55798 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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