Closed Bug 547931 Opened 15 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Update Help for the additional settings in Software Installation preferences


(SeaMonkey :: Help Documentation, defect)

Not set


(blocking-seamonkey2.1 needed)

Tracking Status
blocking-seamonkey2.1 --- needed


(Reporter: philip.chee, Assigned: InvisibleSmiley)



(Keywords: fixed-seamonkey2.0.5)


(1 file, 2 obsolete files)


[Sync Suite pref-smartupdate.* with mozilla-central]

> Could you make sure that there is bug open for updating the help to reflect the
> changes in this bug
Flags: blocking-seamonkey2.1a1?
Assignee: nobody → jh
Summary: Update Help for the additional settings in pref-smartupdate. → Update Help for the additional settings in Software Installation preferences
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Note: I don't know whether the reference to the Help menu is correct for Mac. If not we can hopefully describe it in a platform-neutral way. I'd just like that part to stay in since it really gives some additional information to what you get by just reading the options present in the interface.
Attachment #430868 - Flags: review?(stefanh)
Sorry for not having looked this yet, but time is not on my side atm. I'll try to look at this in the next 1-2 weeks.
Comment on attachment 430868 [details] [diff] [review]

Initial comments by reading the patch, I hope to look more at this over the weekend. Sorry for being slow, but I'm really busy IRL atm.

+      <li><strong>Automatically download and install the update</strong>: Select
+        this if you want &brandShortName; to automatically download and install
+        updates for you when they become available. The download will happen in
+        the background, with low priority. You can monitor its progress by
The low priority, what does that mean? That the download will happen in a slower pace?

+        looking at the Help menu. The menu item that normally reads Check for
+        Updates will change to Downloading (Update Name). Clicking that item
"Selecting the menu item"

+        will open the progress dialog and give the download priority. Once the
This is the download progress dialog, right? Better say that. Also wondering about the priority.

+        download finishes the item will change to Apply Downloaded Update Now.
"the menu item label" Can you select the menu item and apply the update (since you could do that in the previous state)?

+        The next time you restart &brandShortName; after that the update will
+        be applied.</li>
"The update will be applied after you have restarted &brandShortName;"?

+      <li><strong>Warn me if this will disable any of my add-ons</strong>:
+        Select this to be notified if an update that would otherwise have been
+        installed automatically would disable any of your add-ons. In that case
+        you will be shown a list of incompatible add-ons and you can choose
+        whether you want to download and install the update anyway or not.</li>
I think it sounds better without "anyway"
(In reply to comment #3)
> +      <li><strong>Automatically download and install the update</strong>:
> Select
> +        this if you want &brandShortName; to automatically download and
> install
> +        updates for you when they become available. The download will happen
> in
> +        the background, with low priority. You can monitor its progress by
> The low priority, what does that mean? That the download will happen in a
> slower pace?

Yes, (very) slow speed. I have no actual numbers, though.

> +        looking at the Help menu. The menu item that normally reads Check for
> +        Updates will change to Downloading (Update Name). Clicking that item
> "Selecting the menu item"

Right, not necessarily clicking (think keyboard).

> +        will open the progress dialog and give the download priority. Once the
> This is the download progress dialog, right? Better say that. Also wondering
> about the priority.

Yes, update download progress dialog (not to be confused with Download Manager standalone progress windows of course) so I'm OK with "download progress dialog". By "give ... priority" I mean releasing the hand brake, i.e. the download will then run at full speed.

> +        download finishes the item will change to Apply Downloaded Update Now.
> "the menu item label" Can you select the menu item and apply the update (since
> you could do that in the previous state)?

Sure, label. And yes you can select the menu item.

> +        The next time you restart &brandShortName; after that the update will
> +        be applied.</li>
> "The update will be applied after you have restarted &brandShortName;"?

That's not really the same. I understand "after you have restarted" as "after closing and restarting the application, letting it finish loading". With my wording I wanted to show that the update will be applied as part of the restart process.

> +      <li><strong>Warn me if this will disable any of my add-ons</strong>:
> +        Select this to be notified if an update that would otherwise have been
> +        installed automatically would disable any of your add-ons. In that
> case
> +        you will be shown a list of incompatible add-ons and you can choose
> +        whether you want to download and install the update anyway or
> not.</li>
> I think it sounds better without "anyway"

Fine with me.
I was looking at this agian, but then I hit bug 561663 :-(
Needed at some point in time of the 2.1 series, but don't want to block a specific release for it.
blocking-seamonkey2.1: --- → needed
Flags: blocking-seamonkey2.1a1?
> > This is the download progress dialog, right? Better say that. Also wondering
> > about the priority.
> Yes, update download progress dialog (not to be confused with Download Manager
> standalone progress windows of course) so I'm OK with "download progress
> dialog". By "give ... priority" I mean releasing the hand brake, i.e. the
> download will then run at full speed.

Actually, this is the Software Update dialog and it shows all different stages of the process, not just downloads.
> > +        The next time you restart &brandShortName; after that the update will
> > +        be applied.</li>
> > "The update will be applied after you have restarted &brandShortName;"?
> That's not really the same. I understand "after you have restarted" as "after
> closing and restarting the application, letting it finish loading". With my
> wording I wanted to show that the update will be applied as part of the restart

OK, "The update will be installed the next time you start &brandShortName;"

+        the background, with low priority. You can monitor its progress by
+        looking at the Help menu. The menu item that normally reads Check for
+        Updates will change to Downloading (Update Name). Clicking that item
+        will open the progress dialog and give the download priority. Once the
+        download finishes the item will change to Apply Downloaded Update Now.
+        The next time you restart &brandShortName; after that the update will

I'm fine with the low priority, but I'm not sure how using the menuitem for monitoring a download of an update would happen in practice. If you want to monitor the download, you would need some kind of initial notification which you don't get if you have this pref set. My point here is that if I want to monitor an update I would have turned this pref off.

On mac, it's also a bit odd because once the dialog is visible there's no menubar (since the dialog doesn't have its own), so in order to get to the menu you have to switch focus to the application window.

Perhaps you can mention something about the menuitem label reflecting the different stages of the update process and also that selecting the menuitem will open/show/switching focus to the Software Update dialog in a separate section?
Attached patch patch v2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I picked up your point of not talking about monitoring since it's really more and status indication. However I chose to leave the part about the changing menu item in the proximity of the pref description because I'm talking about download priority in both places (and I'm too lazy to create a new section ;-)). The Note style is the same as in the section above (Advanced Proxy Preferences).
Attachment #430868 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #442917 - Flags: review?(stefanh)
Attachment #430868 - Flags: review?(stefanh)
+        <p><strong>Note</strong>: Once the update process has been initiated the
+        label of the Help menu item that normally reads Check for Updates will
+        change to Downloading. Selecting the menu item then will open the
+        Software Update dialog and give the download priority. When the download
+        completes the label will change to Apply Downloaded Update Now.
+        If you select the menu item &brandShortName; will restart and apply the
+        update immediately.</p></li>

The problem here is that it's in the Software Update dialog you actually do things. Selecting the menuitem will only open/switch focus to the dialog, except for the initial case (selecting "Check for update..."). The last sentense is therefore wrong, because you don't restart from the menu, you restart from the dialog.

I still think it's better to just say something in general, and not focusing on the automatic update but instead focus on the manual update or that you can force an update check regardless of the prefs by selecting the menuitem and that that will open the dialog where you can follow/do stuff

Something like "The menu item label will reflect each stage of the update process (will change according to the stage/state or something) ... If you have blah blah turned off, you can still initailaze an update check by selecting the menuitem... ... (or you can always start an update check by...)

you get the idea :-)

+      <li><strong>Warn me if this will disable any of my add-ons</strong>:
+        Select this to be notified if an update that would otherwise have been
+        installed automatically would disable any of your add-ons. In that case
+        you will be shown a list of incompatible add-ons and you can choose
+        whether you want to download and install the update or not.</li>

"Select this to be notified if an automatic update will disable any of your installed add-ons. In that case, you will be shown..."
(In reply to comment #9)
> you don't restart from the menu, you restart from the dialog.

Oops, you're right. My bad, I was so sure that I seemed to not have checked. I guess I'm just too accustomed to the behavior of Tools / Restart SeaMonkey (courtesy of ChromEdit Plus). And I missed the hint of the ellipsis.

> I still think it's better to just say something in general, and not focusing on
> the automatic update but instead focus on the manual update or that you can
> force an update check regardless of the prefs by selecting the menuitem and
> that that will open the dialog where you can follow/do stuff

I tried to back off a little. The result is that I'm now no longer talking about the dialog at all and I moved the Note paragraph to the end of the outer list item which hopefully makes more sense in light of its heading (When updates to SeaMonkey are found).

> "Select this to be notified if an automatic update will disable any of your
> installed add-ons. In that case, you will be shown..."

Accepted, except for the comma.
Attachment #442917 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #443007 - Flags: review?(stefanh)
Attachment #442917 - Flags: review?(stefanh)
+    <p><strong>Note</strong>: You can use Check for Updates from the Help menu
+      to manually initiate the search for a &brandShortName; update. The label
+      of the menu item will change when an update is being downloaded or ready
+      to be applied.</p>

Should we mention something about the dialog? Or should we do that in another bug?
(In reply to comment #11)
> +    <p><strong>Note</strong>: You can use Check for Updates from the Help menu
> +      to manually initiate the search for a &brandShortName; update. The label
> +      of the menu item will change when an update is being downloaded or ready
> +      to be applied.</p>
> Should we mention something about the dialog? Or should we do that in another
> bug?

KISS -> new bug (if need be).
Comment on attachment 443007 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v3 [Checkin: comments 14+18]

OK, I guess we can do the dialog in another bug.
Attachment #443007 - Flags: review?(stefanh) → review+
Comment on attachment 443007 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v3 [Checkin: comments 14+18]

(Pushed without the trailing whitespace error at patch line 39.)
Attachment #443007 - Attachment description: patch v3 → patch v3 [Checkin: comment 14]
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → seamonkey2.1a1
Comment on attachment 443007 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v3 [Checkin: comments 14+18]

Patch applies cleanly to the branch.
Attachment #443007 - Flags: approval-seamonkey2.0.5?
Attachment #443007 - Flags: approval-seamonkey2.0.5? → approval-seamonkey2.0.5+
Comment on attachment 443007 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v3 [Checkin: comments 14+18]

I thought we didn't do locale changes on a branch except in special circumstances and then it would have be announced on the relevant locale newsgroups/mailing lists?
(In reply to comment #16)
> (From update of attachment 443007 [details] [diff] [review])
> I thought we didn't do locale changes on a branch except in special
> circumstances and then it would have be announced on the relevant locale
> newsgroups/mailing lists?

Help is an exception to that policy, as long as the collection of files to package stays the same.
Comment on attachment 443007 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v3 [Checkin: comments 14+18]
Attachment #443007 - Attachment description: patch v3 [Checkin: comment 14] → patch v3 [Checkin: comments 14+18]
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