Bug 560525
Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
[gd] Firefox 3.6 protocol handler setup for Scottish Gaelic
(Mozilla Localizations :: gd / Scottish Gaelic, defect)
Mozilla Localizations
gd / Scottish Gaelic
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: Pike, Unassigned)
(Keywords: productization)
Protocol handlers are a new feature in Firefox 3.6 that allows links like to be handled by a webmail application.
In order to do that, the site needs to support a special API described on
For en-US, we're currently shipping with GMail and Yahoo! Mail for mailto:, 30boxes for webcal: and Mibbit for irc: urls, and we're on a ongoing evangelism effort to add more. For Scottish Gaelic, we'd like to do that, too.
First, the localization team and Stas (Stas Malolepszy) will look at the market for the language and come up with a good candidates. Michael, Kevin, we'll need your input on this, the guidelines for making recommendations are on <>. Following that is a reach out by the evangelism team to try to get the vendor to support protocol handlers.
Once that happens, Stas will take over in reviewing the actual implementation, which will need to change the gecko.handlerService.* entries in browser/chrome/browser-region/ Please don't make changes to that file without getting a positive review by Stas or somebody else appointed by Stas/Sethb on a patch for that change upfront.
Comment 1•15 years ago
Again, there is nothing in Gaelic except for GoogleMail. So again I'd suggest using whatever EN-GB has.
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Updated•15 years ago
Component: Other → gd / Scottish Gaelic
QA Contact: gd
Comment 2•15 years ago
Can you copy over the protocol handler setup from en-GB repo and request a review? Attach the patch here and request a review. With a positive review, we can land the setup.
You can find the en-GB protocol handler setup here:
Comment 3•15 years ago
Thanks for landing this part of All looks good except for one thing that I would like to ask you to change.
In the Yahoo! Mail label is translated to "Post-dealain Yahoo!". Since it's a name of a product, we'd prefer not to change it and comply with the branding used by the provider in the region. In this case, it's "Yahoo! Mail" in the UK.
Does this sound fair? Could you revert this change and bring "Yahoo! Mail" back? Thanks!
Comment 4•15 years ago
Ok will do!
Comment 5•15 years ago
Done, I'll commit some time early next week, too busy this weekend!
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Comment 6•15 years ago
Michael, please submit a patch before landing for review? In general, we prefer to have patches to changes to and searchplugins, get the patches attached to the bug and request review, pretty like we did for the initial work.
Comment 7•15 years ago
I don't recall doing anything to as such even before - I'd assumed this came out of the main translation job?
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Comment 8•15 years ago
Comment 9•15 years ago
Ah yes that's where I changed it back - it was this talk about "submitting a patch" that confused me. Perhaps I was supposed to do via a patch in the first place but I don't think Kevin or anyone else mentioned I should so I just went ahead and translated it.
I think, once we've got releases for Firefox and Thunderbird I'd like to talk to you guys about writing a "How to localise" guide that's - no offense meant - understandable to translators and other such common mortals ;)
Comment 10•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #9)
> Ah yes that's where I changed it back - it was this talk about "submitting a
> patch" that confused me. Perhaps I was supposed to do via a
> patch in the first place but I don't think Kevin or anyone else mentioned I
> should so I just went ahead and translated it.
> I think, once we've got releases for Firefox and Thunderbird I'd like to talk
> to you guys about writing a "How to localise" guide that's - no offense meant -
> understandable to translators and other such common mortals ;)
You won't be the first to try that! :) I know that Stas and I spent considerable time writing this document:
I'd love for you to write a detailed assessment of that document, including the link-throughs to give us your ideas on how to make that better. Ideally, your proposed changes could be discussed and added to this document.
Comment 11•15 years ago
Ok but parking the rewrite for now otherwise I'll never sleep ;)
I've changed it back to Yahoo! Mail in on Narro and uploaded it via the normal - I'm assuming that solves the problem?
If you still want me to submit a "patch" you'll have to tell me how cause I've no idea where to start doing a patch for something that was "just a translation" to me.
Comment 12•15 years ago
Looks like Michael fixed the Yahoo! Mail name (see comment 3) in I'm giving this landing a post hoc r+.
All looks good now, so I'm marking the bug as fixed. Thanks, Michael!
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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