Closed Bug 562388 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Allow other Mozilla sites to use Meta font


(Websites :: Other, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: fligtar, Unassigned)



As discussed with webdev and Slater, we'd like to set up a single website for the Meta font (and possibly others) that is shared across all Mozilla sites to improve caching and make the licensing requirements easier.

The Meta files would be hosted at and the Apache config for this domain would enforce the referrer restrictions outlined in bug 540859 (a summary of which is in bug 544536) letting all and .org sites use the font. (Others may need to be added to the whitelist as well, such as mozillaeurope, mozillaonline, etc.)

The site will need to support SSL in order to work with AMO. After this is set up we can file a separate bug to switch to using the new fonts and starting using them on AMO and other sites.
The font vendor is willing to strip out anything we want to reduce the file size. I'll work on a list of languages and glyphs that can be removed over the next few days.
I sent the list of languages we need to the font vendor. We only need 75 of the 191 fonts included, so removing 61% of the fonts and a number of arrows and geometric shapes should reduce the file size quite a bit.
Vendor says removing the languages and characters we don't need will reduce the file size by 20%. Not as impressive as I had hoped, but I guess we'll take it.
Hooray, I got the new, smaller font files.

Alex, are you still willing to work on this?
Yes, I can work on this, although it's almost all IT work, and honestly, using would be less work.  Any reason not to do that?
We could make an alias -- main benefit is if these are page assets they'd be non-blocking if coming from another subdomain.  Though, you could say that about the images, css and js on our pages too.  Since it's loaded once it might not be a huge issue but time is precious.
It'd be easiest/best to make the location configurable (or just use $config['static_prefix']) and default stick them in by default.

In production I'd just configure it to be
As long as it supports SSL, since AMO would need to use them over SSL.
So it sounds like we should just use's existing fonts or the CDN. That's fine with me. But I think the referrer access rules need to be updated to allow *.mozilla.* so AMO and SAMO can use it.

Can we update that referrer check by next week? The new Discovery Pane of Firefox 4 is going to start using it and I'm hoping it will land early next week.

We're planning on launching a page that will make heavy use of Meta on Tuesday. Alex, is this an IT bug or do we need a patch from webdev to update the rules?
Severity: normal → major
Summary: Set up → Allow other Mozilla sites to use Meta font
Blocks: 594458
r74147 on trunk allows *.mozilla.*

Curl is useful for testing,

These work (HTTP status 200),

curl -v -H 'Referer:' ''
curl -v -H 'Referer:' ''

This doesn't (HTTP status 302),

curl -v -H 'Referer:' ''
Thanks Alex! Tested it and it works well, though it also allows stuff like

curl -v -H 'Referer:' ''

I guess we should probably stick to (com|org) after all.
(In reply to comment #12)
> Thanks Alex! Tested it and it works well, though it also allows stuff like
> curl -v -H 'Referer:'
> ''
> I guess we should probably stick to (com|org) after all.

good point, r74153 does that
Keywords: qawanted
I got a 302 from curl -v -H 'Referer:' '', which is expected per comment 12.

I also get a 302 from curl -v -H 'Referer:'
'', though, because it's redirecting to the https URL (seems fine).

Fligtar, mind double-checking one last time?
Looks good to me.
(In reply to comment #15)
> Looks good to me.

Thanks; removing qawanted keyword.  Looks like we're good to push live, per comment 14 and comment 15.
Keywords: qawantedpush-needed
r74173 in production
Closed: 14 years ago
Keywords: push-needed
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified FIXED on prod (using curl) again on comment 11, comment 13, substituting prod for staging (trailing slash is important!).
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