Closed Bug 571372 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Consider supporting IVS-based font fallback


(Core :: Graphics, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: emk, Unassigned)



HanaMin (花園明朝) supports all Ideographic Variation Sequences which are defined in Adobe-Japan1 collection. But I do not want to set this font as a default Japanese font because its glyph quality is not so good. HanaMin is intented to be a "Last Resort" font for Japanese Kanji.
Currently I have to select HanaMin explicitly every time IVS appears in the text. Obviously I'ts impossible when I'm visiting random Web pages. Moreover, I can't select fonts in plain text context (for example <textarea> and <input type="text">).
It's the purpose of IVS to express glyph restrictions in plain text.
Sorry, I'm not clear what you're requesting here.  Are you saying that when variation sequences exist they should fallback until a font is found, including system fallback fonts?

So something like:

1. For each font in the fontlist (i.e. font-family value), look for <base> + <variation-selector> mappings.  Choose the first font that does.

2. If no fonts support <base> + <variation-selector>, fallback to system fonts, looking for the first font that supports the variation.

3. If (1) and (2) fail to find a match, run the normal font matching procedure with only the <base> character and ignore the <variation-selector>.

Looking over the code, current behavior is effectively:

1. Find the first font that matches <base>

2. If a variation exists for that font, use that, otherwise use the default glyph.

So in effect, the current behavior will only have effect when the first font containing the <base> character also has a given variation, otherwise the variation selectors will effectively be ignored.
(In reply to comment #1)
> Sorry, I'm not clear what you're requesting here.  Are you saying that when
> variation sequences exist they should fallback until a font is found,
> including system fallback fonts?
Right. Although I can compromise about system fallbacks, at least I want to handle a case such as |font-family: 'MS Mincho', KozMin-Pr6N, IPAmjMincho;|.
Bug 392588 is older and more generic.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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