Closed Bug 578464 Opened 15 years ago Closed 13 years ago

tweaks to new stats summary page


( Graveyard :: Statistics, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: fligtar, Assigned: potch)




(Whiteboard: [z])

sidebar ----- * Add-on, not Add-On in sidebar heading * change 'by Download Source' to just 'by Source' graphs ------ * Dates should be in the format of Jul 10 instead of 10. Jul, at least for en-US * There should be commas in all numbers * In the current dashboard, graphs have a baseline of zero. I'd like to see what that would look like here. * The tooltips on Daily Users graph still say downloads * 'Reset zoom' should be fixed * there should be more margin between the Downloads and Daily Users graph tabs * such that hovering over the other doesn't touch the other total counts ------ * clicking on the total counts should go to the appropriate pages * the total counts should be lowercase, e.g. 83,925,750 downloads * the time-frame counts underneath total counts should be affected by the date range selector date selector ------ * there should be a hover effect on the options * when custom is selected, the blue box looks oddly placed * the custom panel should be more connected to the other widget or it shouldn't have the arrow * Last and Days should not be capitalized most used columns ------ * see more links should have consistent capitalization: 'See more applications' without an ellipsis and with a forward arrow used elsewhere * see more links should be right-aligned * commas * let's use the proper locale names instead of locale codes (though the code can be in a title="") * The date selector links should be more clear or removed. The default date is whatever the widget at the top is set to. I'd be fine with moving any advanced reports (such as 'all time' to the actual drill-down page) * This page is missing an RSS feed. we should continue to have a daily RSS feed for stats summaries as we do now (with a rewrite in place so we don't break existing subscriptions)
* The page selection links all start with "by" (lower case) but with upper case following. Should probably start with "By". * The "see more" links are all 404; seem to be using old URLs * In addition to "last 30 days" and "all time" a "past year" option would be very helpful. A "365 days" (or worded otherwise) selector in the "For Last" box up top would also be very helpful. If I'm looking for longer term stats, 1y is helpful but all time isn't really as useful because it goes back long before I had much in the way of stats at all, not to mention to many EOL browsers. * It might be a good idea to list a note (maybe a through a link w/ popup) briefly explaining methodology for the daily users stats, namely that they're from update pings. Someone not familiar with the system wouldn't know.
(In reply to comment #1) > * The page selection links all start with "by" (lower case) but with upper case > following. Should probably start with "By". I like them how they are. > * It might be a good idea to list a note (maybe a through a link w/ popup) > briefly explaining methodology for the daily users stats, namely that they're > from update pings. Someone not familiar with the system wouldn't know. Explanations will be on the breakdown pages (I'll file separate bugs with copy)
(In reply to comment #0) > sidebar > ----- > * change 'by Download Source' to just 'by Source' 'Source' alone may not be clear. How about 'Referrer'? > graphs > ------ Most of these issues have been addressed in the chart style guide: This is using working Highcharts code, and fixes most of the issues mentioned: * Cleaner formatting on dates and labels * Nicely formatted tooltip * Better line styling > date selector > ------ > * the custom panel should be more connected to the other widget or it shouldn't > have the arrow If you change 'top: -18px' to 'top: -2px' on the date selector, I think this fixes the issue. (In reply to comment #1) > * The page selection links all start with "by" (lower case) but with upper case > following. Should probably start with "By". This was deliberate. The sub-menus are intended to suffix the the top menus (e.g. 'Daily Users' + 'by Language' = 'Daily Users by Language'). The initial lowercase makes this clearer. > * In addition to "last 30 days" and "all time" a "past year" option would be > very helpful. A "365 days" (or worded otherwise) selector in the "For Last" box > up top would also be very helpful. If I'm looking for longer term stats, 1y is > helpful but all time isn't really as useful because it goes back long before I > had much in the way of stats at all, not to mention to many EOL browsers. A good point, but the date picker is already taking up a lot of horizontal space as-is. If we made it use a smaller font (say, 11px), used a shorthand (e.g. '7d' rather than '7 days'), or if we removed 'Last 90 days', I could see this working. In addition to the above: * On the non-overview pages, several data tables are missing backgrounds. * The breakdown tables are missing (link below). Will they not make it into the first version? See 3.0 on * The same data tables are missing a 'Export as CSV' link: (see 4.1 on
2 other little nits: * The 'Loading' message that appear when fetching data is missing a spinner. It would also be useful to show a loading overlay on top of elements that are being updated. You can find the images you need here: * Some serious line wrapping is happening at 1024x768. The 'Most Used OSes' block is appearing on a second line. Many data tables are misaligned. We need a bit more 'white-space: nowrap' and 'overflow: hidden'.
you guys are totally highjacking my nitpick bug. get your own!
Litany of nits bug reports are more susceptible to hijacking. ;) There's so many points in here that filing bugs for all individually would be a mess. See if a whole bunch can be fixed here then file separate for the rest? (In reply to comment #3) I see your point about the "by" case; makes sense in that context. another nit and a suggestion: * For the percentages <1% is being rounded down to 0%. (ex: OSes table) Thirteen thousand shouldn't be listed as zero percent. Should show as "<1%". * It would be helpful to list the date/time the stats were last updated on the summary page somewhere for reference.
(In reply to comment #6) > * For the percentages <1% is being rounded down to 0%. (ex: OSes table) > Thirteen thousand shouldn't be listed as zero percent. Should show as "<1%". This one was fixed, by the way. "<1%" is now used where needed.
Target Milestone: --- → Q2 2011
Putting in current milestone. If this bug is too big at this point let's split it up.
Target Milestone: Q2 2011 → 6.0.8 sidebar ----- √ Add-on, not Add-On in sidebar heading √ change 'by Download Source' to just 'by Source' graphs ------ * Dates should be in the format of Jul 10 instead of 10. Jul, at least for en-US * There should be commas in all numbers * In the current dashboard, graphs have a baseline of zero. I'd like to see what that would look like here. * The tooltips on Daily Users graph still say downloads * 'Reset zoom' should be fixed * there should be more margin between the Downloads and Daily Users graph tabs * such that hovering over the other doesn't touch the other total counts ------ √ clicking on the total counts should go to the appropriate pages √ the total counts should be lowercase, e.g. 83,925,750 downloads * the time-frame counts underneath total counts should be affected by the date range selector date selector ------ * there should be a hover effect on the options * when custom is selected, the blue box looks oddly placed √ the custom panel should be more connected to the other widget or it shouldn't have the arrow √ Last and Days should not be capitalized most used columns ------ * see more links should have consistent capitalization: 'See more applications' without an ellipsis and with a forward arrow used elsewhere * see more links should be right-aligned * commas √ let's use the proper locale names instead of locale codes (though the code can be in a title="") √ (removed) The date selector links should be more clear or removed. The default date is whatever the widget at the top is set to. I'd be fine with moving any advanced reports (such as 'all time' to the actual drill-down page) * This page is missing an RSS feed. we should continue to have a daily RSS feed for stats summaries as we do now (with a rewrite in place so we don't break existing subscriptions)
Target Milestone: 6.0.8 → 6.0.9
Target Milestone: 6.0.9 → Q2 2011
Target Milestone: Q2 2011 → Q3 2011
Blocks: 611705
Target Milestone: Q3 2011 → 6.3.6 sidebar ----- √ Add-on, not Add-On in sidebar heading √ change 'by Download Source' to just 'by Source' graphs ------ * Dates should be in the format of Jul 10 instead of 10. Jul, at least for en-US √ There should be commas in all numbers * In the current dashboard, graphs have a baseline of zero. I'd like to see what that would look like here. √ The tooltips on Daily Users graph still say downloads * 'Reset zoom' should be fixed X there should be more margin between the Downloads and Daily Users graph tabs X such that hovering over the other doesn't touch the other - This doesn't exist anymore. total counts ------ √ clicking on the total counts should go to the appropriate pages √ the total counts should be lowercase, e.g. 83,925,750 downloads √ the time-frame counts underneath total counts should be affected by the date range selector date selector ------ √ there should be a hover effect on the options √ when custom is selected, the blue box looks oddly placed √ the custom panel should be more connected to the other widget or it shouldn't have the arrow √ Last and Days should not be capitalized most used columns ------ √ see more links should have consistent capitalization: 'See more applications' without an ellipsis and with a forward arrow used elsewhere √ see more links should be right-aligned √ commas √ let's use the proper locale names instead of locale codes (though the code can be in a title="") √ (removed) The date selector links should be more clear or removed. The default date is whatever the widget at the top is set to. I'd be fine with moving any advanced reports (such as 'all time' to the actual drill-down page) * This page is missing an RSS feed. we should continue to have a daily RSS feed for stats summaries as we do now (with a rewrite in place so we don't break existing subscriptions)
Target Milestone: 6.3.6 → 6.3.7
Target Milestone: 6.3.7 → 6.3.8 All graphs have a baseline of 0, and ISO date is understandable enough for all regions- date localization is a slippery awful slope. Closing this up.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Graveyard
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