Open Bug 579629 Opened 14 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Normal Tabs should morph/animate into App Tabs and vice versa


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, defect)





(Reporter: tech4pwd, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:2.0b2pre) Gecko/20100716 Minefield/4.0b2pre
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:2.0b2pre) Gecko/20100716 Minefield/4.0b2pre

Upon selecting "Make into App Tab" transition should be animated along the tab bar.

Reproducible: Always
Blocks: 563730
Depends on: 543206
Blocks: 543206
No longer depends on: 543206
Blocks: 585712
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows 7 → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Summary: Normal Tabs should morph/animate into App Tabs → Normal Tabs should morph/animate into App Tabs and vice versa
No longer blocks: 585712
this should also be the case with dragging
Depends on: 455694
No longer depends on: 455694
Blocks: 674840
This is fixed isn't it?
This is as fixed, can someone with edit bug privileges mark it so?
Severity: normal → S3

The severity field for this bug is relatively low, S3. However, the bug has 13 votes.
:dao, could you consider increasing the bug severity?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(dao+bmo)

The last needinfo from me was triggered in error by recent activity on the bug. I'm clearing the needinfo since this is a very old bug and I don't know if it's still relevant.

Flags: needinfo?(dao+bmo)
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