Closed Bug 580346 Opened 15 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Setup recycled bm-xserve08,10,20,23,24 as 10.5 build slaves on TryServer


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: joduinn, Assigned: coop)



(Whiteboard: [hardware][buildslave])


(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

Lets use bm-xserve08/10/20 as fast builders in production pool, so they would do 10.6 builds for m-c and the project branches. Do we have a 10.6 ref image we can have IT apply to xserves?
We have no 10.6 image for xserves. We'll have to rebuild it from the base 10.6.2 image.
Whiteboard: [hardware] → [hardware][buildduty]
Decreasing priority until dependent bug is fixed.
Priority: -- → P4
As we do not yet have a 10.6 xserve ref image, we're going to use those xserves as 10.5 xserve builders. At least that way they do *some* good right away. Morphing bug. Note: bug#590345 filed to track creating new 10.6 xserve ref image
Summary: Setup recycled bm-xserves as 10.6 build slaves in production → Setup recycled bm-xserves as 10.5 build slaves on TryServer
Assignee: nobody → bear
Attachment #473748 - Flags: review?(bhearsum)
Attachment #473748 - Flags: review?(bhearsum) → review+
Comment on attachment 473748 [details] [diff] [review] add bm-xserve{08,10,20} to mpt puppet manifest commited as changeset 55b8823deffc
Attachment #473748 - Flags: checked-in+
Assignee: bear → nobody
Depends on: 609725
Summary: Setup recycled bm-xserves as 10.5 build slaves on TryServer → Setup recycled bm-xserve08,10,20 as 10.5 build slaves on TryServer
Depends on: 609741
Summary: Setup recycled bm-xserve08,10,20 as 10.5 build slaves on TryServer → Setup recycled bm-xserve08,10,20,23,24 as 10.5 build slaves on TryServer
taking bug to see if they can be quickly added to staging pool. 1. check to see if puppet is creating a proper build environment 2. if yes, move to try 3. if not, fix
Assignee: nobody → bear
Whiteboard: [hardware][buildduty] → [hardware][buildslave][triage]
(In reply to comment #7) > taking bug to see if they can be quickly added to staging pool. > > 1. check to see if puppet is creating a proper build environment > 2. if yes, move to try > 3. if not, fix Any news?
completely dropped this thru the Tegra cracks - bouncing to buildduty (aka coop) as he is hip-deep in other machine fixes
Assignee: bear → coop
Depends on: 620948
Comment on attachment 502087 [details] [diff] [review] Add bm-xserve[08,10,20,23,24] to the list of available slaves +TRY_XSERVES = ['bm-xserve%02i' % x for x in [8,10,20,23,23]] needs a 24 as the last digit, r+ with that change
Attachment #502087 - Flags: review?(lsblakk) → review+
Comment on attachment 502087 [details] [diff] [review] Add bm-xserve[08,10,20,23,24] to the list of available slaves >+TRY_XSERVES = ['bm-xserve%02i' % x for x in [8,10,20,23,23]] Fixed.
Attachment #502087 - Flags: checked-in+
Whiteboard: [hardware][buildslave][triage] → [hardware][buildslave]
fyi: while moving bm-xserve10 around in colo, nthomas discovered that bm-xserve10 is not in DNS. Maybe its still using it's old name "fx-mac-1.9-slave02" ?
These slaves live in scl, so I'm assuming they should be talking to the scl puppetmaster.
Attachment #507496 - Flags: review?(dustin)
There are no xserves in Internap (scl1) I believe these moved from 16 to 14 at MPT (sjc1)
Comment on attachment 507496 [details] [diff] [review] Add bm-xserve[08,10,20,23,24] to the scl puppet slave config. A check of DNS and IPs confirms Zandr's comment. Also, your patch has type application/octet-stream.
Attachment #507496 - Flags: review?(dustin) → review-
Attachment #507496 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #507496 - Attachment is patch: true
Attachment #507496 - Attachment mime type: application/octet-stream → text/plain
Attachment #507551 - Flags: review?(dustin) → review+
Attachment #507551 - Flags: checked-in+
These are all connected to pm02 now and are accepting jobs.
Closed: 14 years ago
Priority: P4 → P2
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Depends on: 629511
Three of these (bm-xserve10, bm-xserve20, bm-xserve24) did not have try keys - fixed in bug 629530.
Product: → Release Engineering
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