Closed Bug 584404 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

crash [@ atioglxx.dll@0xd6ed0]


(Plugins Graveyard :: Shockwave (Adobe), defect)

Windows Vista
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: timeless, Unassigned)



(Keywords: crash)

Crash Data
shows a bunch of crashes in atioglxx.dll

Signature	atioglxx.dll@0xd6ed0
UUID	01a0efa2-19c1-4a89-af7e-b20b02100803
Time	2010-08-03 14:44:44.119029
Uptime	17039
Last Crash	232671 seconds (2.7 days) before submission
Install Age	852793 seconds (1.4 weeks) since version was first installed.
Product	Firefox
Version	3.6.8
Build ID	20100722155716
Branch	1.9.2
OS	Windows NT
OS Version	6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
CPU	x86
CPU Info	GenuineIntel family 15 model 6 stepping 5
Crash Address	0x18089080
User Comments	i asked you about this problem before and no one has gotten back to me to ima ask one more time.Whenever i go to play this game called pizza hot on mozilla firefox keeps crashing. What can i do to stop this from happening? please get back to me ... Thnx ...
Processor Notes	
EMCheckCompatibility	False
Crashing Thread

Frame	Module	Signature [Expand]	Source
0		@0x18089080	
1	atioglxx.dll	atioglxx.dll@0xd6ed0	
Show/hide other threads

atioglxx.dll	7D717E3D4F244B6AB8B316F68FB31AD91	atioglxx.pdb
npgeplugin.dll	58645F8142734FBABB063FD76B2B262F1	npgeplugin.pdb
NPSWF32.dll	547FB6F990234E7FAABA5DE4C9F5BB911	NPSWF32.pdb

I don't have a way of immediately determining which plugin is causing the
problem (or whether this is caused by webgl). It appears that basically there
are three plugins running around: Google Earth, Adobe Flash, and Adobe Shockwave.
I'm making a guess that it's Shockwave.

This bug appears to be ATI's fault, I don't have any good contacts for ATI at
this time, I'm going to cc a bunch of people and then call ATI directly.

If you work for ATI, please help. Bugzilla is a community tracker, it works
best when people scratch eachother's backs. If you ever need help from me,
please don't hesitate to ask. If you don't work for ATI but know someone who
does and could direct this to the right team, please ask them (this only
applies until someone from ATI steps forward).

ATI: I've grabbed a dump for: bp-01a0efa2-19c1-4a89-af7e-b20b02100803 if you
can provide public symbols I can pair them with the .dmp and can provide that
stack here. If necessary, we can work on an arrangement where actual .dmp files
are provided, however there are privacy concerns involved. In some cases people
have left contact information, in which case it's possible to get their
permission to release the dumps. This specific report does have that.
ignore comment 2.

fwiw, the query today shows 10 crashes for this signature spread across Firefox 3.0.19, 3.6.8, and 4.0b2.
I've passed the issue on the the Director/Shockwave team to see if they can help investigate.
I called AMD and they said they'd pass this and bug 584403 along to a tier 2 engineer. I'm fairly hopeful.
We have tested the game on Vista and not able to reproduce the crash in Shockwave.
Krishnan: did you use the same atioglxx.dll?
Blocks: 605780
Crash Signature: [@ atioglxx.dll@0xd6ed0]
The last crash happened in 4.0b10.
I close it as WFM.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Plugins → Plugins Graveyard
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