Open Bug 58777 Opened 24 years ago Updated 9 months ago

Save Link to Disk Dialog Allows multiple 'File Save AS' dialogs to be opened


(Firefox :: File Handling, defect)





(Reporter: darkmane, Unassigned)



From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; m18) Gecko/20001023 BuildID: 20001023 After choosing a link that cannot be displayed in mozilla, you are prompted to open with a Helper App or save to disk. If you select save to disk you can open as many Windows 'Save As...' dialog as you want if you follow this procedure Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1) Find a link to MP3 or QuickTime File on the web 2) CLick on the link, when prompted to download or open choose download. 3) With the WIndows 'Save As' Dialog still up, go back to the Mozilla dialog and Click Ok again and again and again... Actual Results: Multiple WIndows File Save as Dialog boxes.... Expected Results: No additional File Save as Dialog Boxes
Confirmed using: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; m18) Gecko/20001031 (trunk build) On Win2k Probably belongs under "XP Apps: GUI Features" component.
Ever confirmed: true
There was some discussion in IRC about whether this was a bug. The opinions were: 1) This maximises user choice so shouldn't be fixed (But another bug about the crash actually using those Save As Dialogs causes should be filed.) 2) (My opinion) That saving the file to disk like the second stage of a wizard [Sorry for the MSism] and there should be only 1 second screen, not unlimited.
over to XPApps
Assignee: asa → ben
Component: Browser-General → XP Apps: GUI Features
QA Contact: doronr → sairuh
Unless we see a spec saying this shd be the desired behaviour, we should not fix this bug.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Reopening, we need to fix this. This dialog should be modal, no?
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Yes, the Save filepicker should be modal to that particular browser window. (It should not be modal to the what-shall-I-do dialog, as that dialog should have gone away before the filepicker opens.)
spam: over to File Handling. i have not changed the assigned developer [or the other fields for that matter], so if anyone realizes that a bug should have a more appropriate owner, go ahead and change it. :)
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → File Handling
Target Milestone: --- → Future
"It should not be modal to the what-shall-I-do dialog, as that dialog should have gone away before the filepicker opens." Ideally that's one option, but that probably would require a large rewrite to fix. Another fix that's probably much quicker is to make the filepicker modal to the Open/Save dialog. There should be nothing stopping me from going back to the original browser window, as by this point it's not concerned with the download anymore.
*** Bug 148139 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Possibly related to this bug (should I report a new one?) : url is an image only (not html with embedded images) saveing won't popup the save as dialog until the image has finished loading. (ctrl-S, file->save as, right click Save Image as) Behaviour possibly related to #84123 (image information is shown in titlebar only after image finishes loading). And also, if there are multiple save requests while image is loading, when load finishes, multiple save as dialogs will appear.
QA Contact: sairuh → petersen
happens on linux too
OS: Windows NT → All
QA Contact: chrispetersen → file-handling
Priority: P3 → --
Product: Core → Firefox
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Version: Trunk → unspecified

Oh boy, a 21-year old bug. For the record, this is still a problem. It can't be that difficult to not open more than one of these at the same time??

Even worse: when I'm typing some sensitive password as the dialog happens to pop up, presto people see the tail of the password and the file is stored with that name.

NB, this can happens easily when I click on a download link and the server replies late / there are already N on-going downloads.

The bug assignee didn't login in Bugzilla in the last 7 months.
:Gijs, could you have a look please?
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Assignee: bugs → nobody
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)

In Firefox 98 we no longer show the "what do you want to do with this file" dialog by default so the priority of this is much lower, tbh.

Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
Severity: normal → S3

The bug is independent of "what do you want to do with this file" or Save link to disk.
It can be triggered with a regular download.

Step to reproduced randomly (depends on timing) with:

1 [TAB] to a download link
2 Press [Enter]
3 Wait for the download dialog to appear.
4 Press [Enter]
Randomly about 5% of my downloads result in 5B and the rest in 5A Probably because the wait on 3 is too short.
5A The save dialog is closed and download proceed or overwrite prompt is shown.
5B A Second Save dialog appears exactly on top of the other.

(In reply to Gauthier Van Vreckem from comment #16)

The bug is independent of "what do you want to do with this file" or Save link to disk.
It can be triggered with a regular download.

Step to reproduced randomly (depends on timing) with:

1 [TAB] to a download link
2 Press [Enter]
3 Wait for the download dialog to appear.

Which dialog? The downloads panel, the "What do you want to do with this file" dialog, or a "where do you want to save this file" dialog, or...?

Which one appears will depend on the filetype, link specifics, and your user settings. More detailed steps to reproduce (ideally, starting from a clean Firefox profile, what settings do you change, and an specific webpage where you experience this issue) would really help to assess your claim this is "independent" of anything, and/or to see if what you're asking about is actually different from comment 0 or not.

Flags: needinfo?(van_vreckem)

(In reply to :Gijs (he/him) from comment #17)

(In reply to Gauthier Van Vreckem from comment #16)

The bug is independent of "what do you want to do with this file" or Save link to disk.
It can be triggered with a regular download.

Step to reproduced randomly (depends on timing) with:

1 [TAB] to a download link
2 Press [Enter]
3 Wait for the download dialog to appear.

Which dialog? The downloads panel, the "What do you want to do with this file" dialog, or a "where do you want to save this file" dialog, or...?

The dialog I'm referring to is the standard Microsoft Windows Save As Dialog Commdlg32 GetSaveFileNameA.
The Save As dialog is meant to be modal, somehow firefox managed to evade that, as the keyboard input is randomy (timing dependent) sent to the browser instead of the dialog.
Note that once a second Save As Dialog is opened (and not interacted with), the focus remain on the download link a repeated [Enter] will again open a dialog on top of the others.

Client configuration
Firefox 126.0.1
Windows 10 22H2 19045.4412
comdlg32.dll 10.0.19041.4355 (not sure that's the one firefox load)

Possibly relevant settings changes:
Listed from about:config but actually changed trough the UI

Name Value C:... (probably not relevant) false false true false

Applications doesn't list any of the MIME type relevant to the downloads I do.
application/epub+zip, application/zip

Server Configuration
The server with download links send a

HTTP/2 302

The redirect then send (there may be some delay in the reply)

HTTP/2 200 
content-disposition: attachment;
content-type: application/zip
X-Firefox-Spdy: h2

Faster reproduction method:
Open inspector to the network panel to help with timing.
1 [TAB] to download link 1
2 Press [Enter]
3 [TAB] to download link 2
4 Press [Enter]

Possible outcomes dependent on step 4 timing:
a) Download link 1 is saved or file overwrite prompt is shown.
This happen when the first Save As dialog has enough time to be shown and keystroke from steps 3, 4 are consumed by the Save As Dialog.
b) Download link 2 Save As dialog is shown.
This happen when the second TAB occurs before the redirect happens.
Somehow firefox cancel the first download request that's bad.
c) Download link 2 Save As dialog is open on top of Download Link 1 Save As dialog.
This happen when the second TAB occurs after the redirect but before the first Save As dialog is shown.
Save as dialog are meant to be modal, the Save as request should be queued instead of being dispatched in parallel.

Outcome b is in fact a distinct bug (download canceled when it shouldn't)

Flags: needinfo?(van_vreckem)
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