Closed Bug 594202 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Incorrect password during email retrieval requires relaunching TBird to supply correct one


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ckcommercial939393, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [needs protocol log])


(3 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 Build Identifier: Thunderbird 3.1.2 Summary: Suppose you have an email account whose password is NOT being remembered via Password manager i.e. an email account whose password you supply manually when retrieving email. If, when retrieving email for that account, you enter an incorrect password, you cannot recover, you have to start a new TBird session if you want to retrieve that account's email. When you re-try after you've entered a bad password, TBird immediately attempts to get mail but does so without presenting you with the "Enter Your Password" dialog first, so the re-try fails, as do any subsequent ones. ********* Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 0: Requirements: An email account whose password is NOT being remembered via Password manager i.e. an email account whose password you supply manually whenever you retrieve emails for that account. 1: Launch TBird and choose "Work Online". 2: Select the Inbox for the email account referred to in step-0, and then click <Get Mail> 3: Within the resulting "Enter Your Password" dialog: type in an incorrect password; leave the "Use Password manager..." option un-checkmarked; click <Okay> Result: Error msg. Title = "Alert" msg = "Sending of password did not succeed. Mail server responded:bad password or unknown username". As expected. 4: Click <Okay> to clear the message. 5: Retry, intending to supply the correct password on your next attempt. Actual Results: (a) As soon as you click <get Mail>, TBird immediately retries the email retrieval without presenting you with the "Enter Your Password" dialog first, so you have no opportunity to supply the correct password. (b) This (and any subsequent) retrieval fails, presumably because the previously supplied incorrect password is used again in the background, or possibly because a null password is used. (c) I can find no obvious way to escape this. You have to start a new session so as to access the "Enter Your Password" dialog. ********* Expected Results: When re-trying, TBird presents the Password dialog, giving you the opportunity to supply the correct password, after which your mail is retrieved in the usual way. ******** Mac Mini, Intel, OSX 10.4.11, TBird 3.1.2, DSL via Earthlink
Great email client, thanks guys.
this usually works, afaik. I assume Earthlink only supports POP3 - do you know if you're using secure auth or not?
Sending 3 screenshots in response to communication from Programmer re type of email protocols supported by Earthlink. This is #1.
Sending 3 screenshost in response to communication from Programmer re type of email protocols supported by Earthlink. This is #2.
Sending 3 screenshost in response to communication from Programmer re type of email protocols supported by Earthlink. This is #3.
Attachment #473163 - Attachment description: Screenshot • email config info within TBird for Earthlink • #1/3 - ServerSettings → Screenshot • email config info within TBird for Earthlink • #2/3 - ServerSettings
ok, thx, so it looks like it's using a simple user password or perhaps base64-encoded. A pop3 protocol log of a session where we fail to logon but don't reprompt for a password might be helpful, so that we can see what the server is returning - Though, it must be the case that we've cached the password internally in the server object, though probably not the password manager. Standard8, thoughts?
It sounds same phenomenon as bug 428611. Bug opener, get protocol log and compare log with one attached to bug bug 428611. Same issue?
trusting wada's instincts. ckcommercial, please updup if a log (comment 6) indicates otherwise.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Whiteboard: [needs protocol log]
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