Closed Bug 597960 Opened 14 years ago Closed 11 years ago

crash under Windows XP [@ HeapDestroy ] mainly on start-up


(Core :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set



Tracking Status
blocking2.0 --- -


(Reporter: scoobidiver, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: crash, user-doc-needed, Whiteboard: [thirdparty][tbird crash][startupcrash])

Crash Data

Build : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0b7pre) Gecko/20100919

This is a residual crash signature that exists in 3.6.9 and trunk builds.
It is #99 top crasher for 4.0b6 for the last two weeks.

Signature	HeapDestroy
UUID	e8d24245-6acf-4960-aeaa-836142100918
Time 	2010-09-18 06:46:18.480054
Uptime	172
Last Crash	354008 seconds (4.1 days) before submission
Install Age	19113 seconds (5.3 hours) since version was first installed.
Product	Firefox
Version	4.0b7pre
Build ID	20100917041014
Branch	2.0
OS	Windows NT
OS Version	5.1.2600 Service Pack 4
CPU	x86
CPU Info	GenuineIntel family 6 model 15 stepping 11
Crash Address	0x12345ac5
App Notes 	AdapterVendorID: 10de, AdapterDeviceID: 0615

Crashing Thread
Frame 	Module 	Signature [Expand] 	Source
0 	kernel32.dll 	HeapDestroy 	
1 	kernel32.dll 	CreateFileA 	
2 	kernel32.dll 	HeapUsage 	
3 	kernel32.dll 	BaseDllMapResourceIdW 	
4 	xul.dll 	GetFileInfo 	xpcom/io/nsLocalFileWin.cpp:480
might be 100% extension compat checking turned off.  should check extensions on this one.
don't see any good addon correlations, it may also be that status of addon checking is unknown and/or we aren't getting addon data in the reports.

a lot of the comments are non-english (mostly russian?)  -- maybe related to Bug 595957 ?

it also appears there is a large number of duplicate reports it the sample I looked at from oct 4 and 5

count  repeated comment

  25 мне срочно нужно в интернет сделайте пожалуйста
  16 BuildID: 20100914125854 | CrashTime: 1286189467 | Email: | ProductName: Firefox | StartupTime: 1286189465 | Throttleable: 1 | URL:  | Vend
or: Mozilla | Version: 3.6.10
   6 Mozila Firefox
   4 интернет
   3 включите сайт
   3 хачу
   2 Помагите
   2 ошибка
   2 не подключается интернет
   2 не работает
   2 у меня не работает
   2 vc
   2 BuildID: 20100914125854 | CrashTime: 1286204551 | Email: | ProductName: Firefox | StartupTime: 1286204548 | Throttleable: 1 | URL:  | Vend
or: Mozilla | Version: 3.6.10
   2 BuildID: 20100914125854 | CrashTime: 1286189350 | Email: | ProductName: Firefox | StartupTime: 1286189350 | Throttleable: 1 | URL:  | Vend
or: Mozilla | Version: 3.6.10
   2 BuildID: 20100722155716 | CrashTime: 1286201987 | Email: | ProductName: Firefox | StartupTime: 1286201987 | Throttleable: 1 | URL:  | V
endor: Mozilla | Version: 3.6.8

   8 ы
   4 BuildID: 20100914125854 | CrashTime: 1286270193 | Email: | ProductName: Firefox | StartupTime: 1286270183 | Throttleable: 1 | URL:  | Vend
or: Mozilla | Version: 3.6.10
   3 восстановить Mozilla
   3 почему я немогу зайти в интэрнет
   3 rth
   2 интернет
   2 рррр
   2 ззз
   2 ЗЗЗ
   2 xfgn
   2 sym
   2 gf
   2 dfh
Depends on: 579136
the spike on this crash corresponds to

./ HeapDestroy 201009*

date     crashes at
20100901 4
20100902 1
20100903 3
20100904 0
20100905 0
20100906 2
20100907 3
20100908 3
20100909 3
20100910 132
20100911 230
20100912 377
20100913 474
20100914 462
20100915 271
20100916 1104
20100917 1364
20100918 1989
20100919 2391
20100920 3174
20100921 2497
20100922 3448
20100923 3566
20100924 2896
20100925 5231
20100926 9147
20100927 7783
20100928 10377
Whiteboard: [crashkill][explosive][thirdparty]
It is #18 top crasher in 4.0b8pre for the last week.
blocking2.0: --- → ?
Keywords: topcrash
This is showing up as the top crash in early beta7 data - 258 crashes on Windows.
(In reply to comment #5)
> This is showing up as the top crash in early beta7 data - 258 crashes on
> Windows.

Christian, Mike, Damon: Can we get this as a beta8 blocker ? thanks!
Marking it as a beta8 blocker for now, may be punted to a future beta if it doesn't spike.
blocking2.0: ? → beta8+
Choffman, can you query the back end to see what kind of urls are coming up. Perhaps we can find a pattern or anything new?
I'm in a spot where I can't get behind the firewall to look at URLs for some recent data.

Looking at data  from Nov 2 most of the crashes under this signature are within 3 minutes of startup, so the urls won't be that useful.  They mostly confirm Russian users are affected

6488 total crashes for HeapDestroy on 20101102-crashdata.csv
6454 startup crashes inside 30 sec.
6472 startup crashes inside 3 min.
123 repeated crashes inside 3 min. of last crash

urls for testing
 194 \N
   4 about:blank
   2 jar:file:///E:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox%204.0%20Beta%201/omni.jar!

os breakdown was 100% WinXP

Addon checking status is not available for a very high percentage of the reports which made just be another symptom the crash is happening very early in startup. 

This is probably the 4.0bX signature malware that is affecting Russian users in bugs 598007 and bug 598007 as noted in the tracking bugs and dups, and if a few early beta testers are infected they could skew the results.
This is a startup crash, they either won't have URLs or they won't be meaningful. If comment #3 is correct, then there's really not a lot we can or should do about it.
recommended that we use the new post crash e-mail system to try and reduce these, or at least make users aware that their crashes could be related to malware.
Sounds like this is no longer anything we are doing for beta8 or can do anything about. Where does it get triaged to now?
beta8-  user doc wanted
Keywords: user-doc-needed
blocking2.0: beta8+ → -
Component: XPCOM → General
QA Contact: xpcom → general
also evident in thunderbird. all startup, with rare exception like
0	kernel32.dll	HeapDestroy	
1	kernel32.dll	CreateFileA	
2	onex.dll	OneXQueryStatistics	
3		@0x1643c7	
4		@0x16155a	
5		@0x161937	
6	nspr4.dll	_PR_MD_SEND	nsprpub/pr/src/md/windows/w95sock.c:357
7	nspr4.dll	SocketSend	nsprpub/pr/src/io/prsocket.c:681
8	nspr4.dll	SocketWrite	nsprpub/pr/src/io/prsocket.c:701
9	thunderbird.exe	nsSocketOutputStream::Write	netwerk/base/src/nsSocketTransport2.cpp:576
10	xpcom_core.dll	nsStreamCopierOB::FillOutputBuffer	xpcom/io/nsStreamUtils.cpp:523
11	xpcom_core.dll	nsPipeInputStream::ReadSegments	xpcom/io/nsPipe3.cpp:799
Whiteboard: [crashkill][explosive][thirdparty] → [crashkill][explosive][thirdparty][tbird crash]
It is #282 top crasher in 4.0b11.

user-doc-needed: Is there a workaround?
Keywords: topcrash
Whiteboard: [crashkill][explosive][thirdparty][tbird crash] → [thirdparty][tbird crash]
Has been pretty stable recently at 300-400 reports overall, saw some significant rise in recent days on 4.0* versions, I guess because those start attracting more normal use cases.
Still, all comments look Russian, and uptimes mostly point to startup.
Crash Signature: [@ HeapDestroy ]
bp-cc42e551-508d-450f-8bc4-de9dc2130420 firefox 20.0.1
but very rare for firefox.
And nothing newer than version 14 for Thunderbird.
(In reply to Robert Kaiser ( from comment #16)
> Has been pretty stable recently at 300-400 reports overall, ...
> Still, all comments look Russian, and uptimes mostly point to startup.

All Russian comments in this query are for version 13

Except for some spikes/duplicates the crash rate for most current version is less than 10 per month.  With a significantly lower crash rate I'd say this is WFM. 
Plus, we have no STR
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Whiteboard: [thirdparty][tbird crash] → [thirdparty][tbird crash][startupcrash]
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