Closed Bug 60260 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Navigation toolbar is missing lots of tooltips


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: stephend, Assigned: rudman)


(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: nsbeta1+)


(1 file)

The navigation toolbar is missing tooltips for the Page Proxy icon and the Print icon. I'm not sure what the spec on this is, but 4.7x's behaviour has tooltips on both of these items.
linux 2000111508 is missing tooltips as well: back-button forward-button print-button If there were ever separate tooltips for the "triangles" on these buttons, those are missing as well. In addition: On personal toolbar, tooltip for "Bookmarks" missing.
same 2000111404
My comment above was for browser window. In mailnews, "File"-button tooltip is missing.
Don't think this is a design issue, just a simple oversight. --> XP Apps: GUI.
Assignee: hangas → ben
Component: User Interface: Design Feedback → XP Apps: GUI Features
OS: Windows NT → All
QA Contact: mpt → sairuh
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: Navigation toolbar is missing lots of tooltips. → Navigation toolbar is missing lots of tooltips
hunh, weird --using 2000.11.16.08 mozilla linux [trunk] sea bits, i don't have this problem. doublechecked defaults/pref/unix.js and i do indeed have pref("", true); set. how about today's bits? claudius/pink?
Keywords: regression
QA Contact: sairuh → claudius
this isn't my recent tooltip work, given that those don't have tooltips in ns6.0 ether.
Also, in the Mail/News window, Print and the throbber are also missing tooltips. Tooltip for the throbber should read, "Go to the Netscape home page."
i guess I'll do this. removing pink, he probably doesn't care about this ;) can someone give me a list of elements on the navigation toolbar still missing tooltips, and the text to use?
Assignee: ben → blakeross
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
Blake, if you need the strings (i.e. if they're not already lying around in a file somewhere), then this isn't a regression. Anyway ... I started out making a list of the missing tooltips and what they should be, and I got hopelessly lost. You want the good news, or the bad news? References: <> <> The good news is that Microsoft suggests using tooltips of only one or two words for toolbar buttons, which means giving Blake the text for these tooltips should be easy. The bad news is that in saying that, Microsoft are assuming that the buttons do not contain text already, and in Mozilla they do (except, just to make life difficult, in the Modern skin for Navigator). And we don't want <> to happen again. The good news is that it's reasonably easy to guess what to do in this case -- provide an explanation of about half a dozen words about what the button does. The bad news is that half a dozen words don't really provide much help. If they do, that's a good sign that the text in the button itself is badly worded. The good news is that well-behaved Mac OS apps don't have tooltips -- they have help balloons instead, which typically have more text in them. E.g. while a tooltip for the Back button would say `Back', a help balloon for the Back button would say: ------ To go to the previous page, click this button (or press Command+Left Arrow). Not available because you have not visited any pages before this one in this window. ------ That provides enough information to be useful, and also allows inclusion of the keyboard shortcut for the button (see also bug 53309). The bad news is that Windows 95 and 98 don't support help balloons. The good news is that Windows 2000 has introduced help balloons, so we're not breaking platform conventions if we use them. The bad news is that Mac OS X has stupidly *dropped* support for help balloons, thinking that HTML help is enough ... So, ahem. Pink, how hard would it be to reimplement help balloons in XPToolkit, so that they could be used for Mozilla on any platform (including Mac OS X)? Initially they could be just multi-line tooltips, and the hard stuff like transparent rounded corners could be done later. I realize this is somewhat wandering the track off this bug, but whether tooltips or balloons are used heavily affects what the fix for this bug would be.
Balloons would be extremely awkward on Windows.
not a priority.
Assignee: blakeross → ben
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → ---
nav triage team: docs team to tell us what the strings for the tooltips ought to be.
Assignee: ben → rudman
Keywords: nsbeta1
nav triage team: Marking nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: nsbeta1+ Everything that I can put on the toolbar (optional buttons etc) has a tooltip, so I guess that'll do it.
Keywords: patch, review
Looks ok for now so a=ben, but for the record, the original intent was to show text in the tooltip equivalent to 'Go back to <page title>'
Fix checked in. Thanks to Ben Goodger and Daniel Brooks for quick reviews. I'll file a new bug for implementing the correct title strings for the back and forward buttons.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The new bug is filed as /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/browser/resources/content/navigator.xul
mass-verifying claudius' Fixed bugs which haven't changed since 2001.12.31. if you think this particular bug is not fixed, please make sure of the following before reopening: a. retest with a *recent* trunk build. b. query bugzilla to see if there's an existing, open bug (new, reopened, assigned) that covers your issue. c. if this does need to be reopened, make sure there are specific steps to reproduce (unless already provided and up-to-date). thanks! [set your search string in mail to "AmbassadorKoshNaranek" to filter out these messages.]
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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