Closed Bug 609164 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

We should retain user formatting (line breaks) for privacy policy and EULA


( Graveyard :: Public Pages, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: krupa.mozbugs, Assigned: gkoberger)




(Whiteboard: [z][qa!])


(1 file)

Attached image screenshot
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12

steps to reproduce:
1. Add three paragraphs of content(formatted with spacing and what not) as privacy policy/EULA to some add-on. 

2. Navigate to the privacy policy page- and EULA page-

expected result: 
User formatting is retained without the user having to use html

actual result:
All user formatting is lost.


We save user formatting on custom license-
Target Milestone: 5.12.3 → 5.12.4
Yeah, I recently updated my privacy policy for Flagfox and it's all one giant blob that's kind of a mess. (on production server)

(In reply to comment #0)
> User formatting is retained without the user having to use html

I don't think HTML is allowed here. At least it says it doesn't.
Target Milestone: 5.12.4 → 5.12.7
What's the ETA on getting someone to fix this? I should be a quick fix (I hope) and as of right now my current privacy policy is hard to read because of this. I make a point of trying to handle privacy correctly and have my new policy divided into 4 sections that are all smushed together right now.
(I'm sticking a link to it in the URL field because the current one is 404)

By the way, this bug isn't "[ddn]" (design decision needed) as the line breaks are clearly saved and shown correctly when editing in the developer hub. They're just not respected when showing on the public page.
Summary: We should retain user formatting for privacy policy/ EULA → We should retain user formatting (line breaks) for privacy policy and EULA
(In reply to comment #2)
> What's the ETA on getting someone to fix this? I should be a quick fix (I hope)

It's schedule for the next milestone.  5.12.6 freezes on friday, 5.12.7 is next.  See
(In reply to comment #3)
This bug has had its target milestone bumped up twice, totaling 4 milestones. Until someone is assigned this bug, unfortunately, the milestone means nothing.
(In reply to comment #4)
> (In reply to comment #3)
> This bug has had its target milestone bumped up twice, totaling 4 milestones.
> Until someone is assigned this bug, unfortunately, the milestone means nothing.

Target Milestone: 5.12.7 → Q1 2011
Priority: -- → P3
Assignee: nobody → gkoberger
Target Milestone: Q1 2011 → 5.12.11
qa: Make sure we don't lose any content when saving strings that allow html formatting.
Whiteboard: [z] → [z][qa!]
Flags: in-testsuite?
Flags: in-litmus?
QA: The goal is to get the output as close to what the user enters as possible- it's supposed to strip out excessive newlines where they shouldn't be.  Make sure you test with lots of HTML- specifically, block level elements (<ul>, <li>, <blockquote>, etc).  Also watch for HTML attributes and unicode.

Feel free to ask me (gkoberger on #amo) if you have any questions.

If you need test case ideas, you can get lots of inspiration here:

Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
moving to 5.12.12, so that it can get some QA.
Target Milestone: 5.12.11 → 5.12.12
Thank you so much for fixing this. My privacy policy is actually readable now. Verified fixed using:

See also bug 510381. There's no need for a box to put the privacy policy or EULA text in. The license page doesn't do this and looks much better, makes better usage of available space, and makes it easier to read. For example, my privacy policy could fit on screen all at once, but instead you have to scroll through the little text box to read it.
I'm just verifying the fix for a bug affecting me. If the QA team needs to do more testing beyond the bug as filed please do so. If there's a lot more to test here a new bug to cover it might make sense, as this one specifically is complete. This general type of bug is a repeating problem that has popped up many times in the past again and again. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other fields where this is also the case again.
Product: → Graveyard
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