Closed Bug 6117 Opened 26 years ago Closed 24 years ago

[FEATURE] Append CCK's custom string to browser's user agent string


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P1)

Windows 95


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: robinf, Assigned: vparthas)



(Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+][pdtp1])

We want to be able to append the "Company Identifier" string that the CCK user
enters in the CCK Wizard to the browser's user agent string. Not sure what
Component category this bug belongs to, so I just took a guess.
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 806 ***
Verified Dup...see Bug 806 comments
I don't believe this was appropriate to dup to 806 since the fix for 806 didn't
include this feature.

In 4.x (according to the old winfe/nsapp.cpp) we keyed off the existence of a
configuration pref called "user_agent" and when it existed we would add
C-<user_agent_prev_value> to the user agent string.  See the routine
ResolveAppVersion for the exact code.

There appear to be other places where this logic existed since winfe/custom.cpp
did something almost but not quite identical.
Assignee: selmer → don
Don, I'm sending this back to you with the info on how we did this in 4.x.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Clearing Duplicate resolution due to ReOpen of this bug.
Component: UE/UI → XPApps
Priority: P3 → P1
Summary: Append CCK's custom string to browser's user agent string → [FEATURE] Append CCK's custom string to browser's user agent string
Target Milestone: M10
Move to M10 until I can figure out when we can do this ...
Blocks: 10575
Whiteboard: Need to find an owner for this
Target Milestone: M10 → M15
Target Milestone: M15 → M14
Target Milestone: M14 → M15
Move to M15.  Not a beta 1 requirement.
No longer blocks: 10575
The mighty user agent service will slay this foul beast!

The pref in question is just "user_agent"?

Depends on: 24336
Whiteboard: Need to find an owner for this
Target Milestone: M15 → M14
Do we have to fix this for M14?
CC:'ing Bijal so he can answer Don's question. Is this a Beta 1 feature for CCK?
This is a beta 2 feature, especially since netscape.cfg is a beta 2 feature for 
Adding to CCK tracking bug.
Blocks: 7579
*** Bug 20941 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Don, it may be that this should be assigned to shaver.  I just marked 20941 as a 
dup of this because this one is older.  20941 was assigned to shaver and we had 
worked out how this was to be implemented.  Adding shaver to the cc list.
Blocks: 32731
Move to M16 ...
Target Milestone: M14 → M16
M17 for mcafee ...
Assignee: don → mcafee
Keywords: nsbeta2
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
Putting on [nsbeta2+][5/16] radar.  This is a feature MUST complete work by 
05/16 or we may pull this feature for PR2.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+][5/16]
I have no idea what this bug is about.  Can someone shed some light here?
This bug will give a better understanding of the problem. A pref is
 needed so that the user agent string gets the "C-" tag inserted and
 then the value of the pref gets added as well -> in the form of
 Netscape 5.0 [en] C- <foo>.We can choose to have a different tag for
 mozilla say "M-". The length of this value can be limited to say 10
 extra characters or so.
Adding myself to CC.
Move to M19 target milestone.
Target Milestone: M17 → M19
Don, this bug is a requirement for CCK's PR2 features.  PDT marked the bug 
nsbeta2+ so we are expecting this to be fixed.  Is there a change in the plans?
Putting on [nsbeta2-] radar. Removing [5/16]. Will do for nsbeta3
Keywords: nsbeta3
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+][5/16] → [nsbeta2-]
user-agent, gagan
Assignee: mcafee → gagan
Assignee: gagan → valeski
I think valeski added the code for customizing the user-agent. So it might just 
be him explaining how to do it. 
use this attribte,
ocolHandler.idl#152. First *get* the attribute, append your string to it, then 
set the whole string back in using that attribute.
Closed: 26 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Re-opening bug.
We need a pref to do this change.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Reassigning to XPapps to implement a preference that will customize the user 
agent string.
Assignee: valeski → don
QA Contact: sairuh
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-]
This is an extremely critical bug/feature for N6 Client Customization Kit.  The 
most basic customization is appending to the user agent string already in the 
browser.  CCK tool tags anyone who uses CCK to customize the browser with 
"-CCK".  Distributors can also add their own tag to the user agent string.  This 
tagged user agent string is used to measure indirect revenue from distributors.

Bill Law and I talked about this and we could easily append the CCK string to 
the vendor portion. 

In Communicator 4.x and CCK 4.x, the following javascript is in the netscape.cfg 
for the user agent string append command:

with (PrefConfig) {
config("user_agent", "CCK-MCD bij's browser");
Putting on [nsbeta2-] since PR2 is outta here.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-]
with (PrefConfig) {
config("user_agent", "CCK-MCD bij's browser");
put an entry in prefs.js or somewhere else (e.g., netscape.cfg or equivalent)?

I guess what I need to know is how to get this value *out* (from wherever it 
Not sure it puts a value at all.  Basically, the code I supplied is in the
netscape.cfg which is a hashed preference file in Communicator.  Everytime you
launch Communicator, this file is read and it appends to the user agent string
dynamically.  Therefore, this javascript does not change the actual user agent
string in Communicator code.
OK, I think I've found what I need.  The 4.x code calls PREF_CopyConfigString
to get this customized user agent string.  I'll use the same API (it's in the 
6.0 version of prefapi).

Yo, Varada; does that sound right? 
with (PrefConfig) {
config("user_agent", "CCK-MCD bij's browser");
is present in the prefs.js which is the input to create the netscape.cfg.
This will change the value of the pref IFF the pref exists and not otherwise and 
so in reply to your question.
Yes you are right :-)
Use of the non-XPCOM pref API makes me wince.  Is it really necessary?
I guess that's what I'm asking.  I don't understand this netscapt.cfg magic.  If 
I just read the "user_agent" pref using the conventional means would I get what 
I need?  Varada, does that question make sense?  If so, what's the answer?
over to paw for qa triage.
QA Contact: sairuh → paw
I believe so.  The preferenes are read during launch of Seamonkey.  When an end 
user changes his/her preferences through the edit dialog, they are changed in 
memory, but not on disk.  When the browser is closed (quit), the preferences are 

This user agent preference is read on launch and there is no way to change it 
from the client. 
Assignee: don → law
Depends on: 5132
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+]
Marking [nsbeta3+] per discussion with Bijal.  Note that this bug depends on 
yes, don't worry about libpref's unique way of defining prefs, just use 
CopyCharPref where appropriate
Please make it so that we can put this special "user agent" string in any prefs 
file such as foo.js.  Therefore, you do not need to have netscape.cfg to have 
this preference working.
I found out that our http protocol handler is already using the content of 
various pref settings to determine the user agent string.  See

This means that if CCK arranged to set, say, "general.useragent.vendorComment" 
then that would automatically appear in the user agent string.  I think that 
might be better than adding additional code on top of what's there already.

For example, you could put this in your prefs.js right now:
   user_pref("general.useragent.vendorComment", "CCK-MCD bij's browser");

The only drawback would be if CCK is only capable of setting the "user_agent" 
pref, rather than "general.useragent.vendorComment" (or some other 
general.useragent pref).

Can CCK use the existing pref?  Or, do I need to add the code that extracts the 
"user_agent" pref and inserts it into the vendor comment field?
We think CCK can manage this by simply setting the 
general.useragent.vendorComment pref (rather than the user_agent pref).

So, I'm reassigning to Varada to prompt him (or somebody) to tweak CCK to do 
that.  Leaving [nsebeta3+]; hope that's OK.
Assignee: law → varada
PDT agrees P1
Adding [pdtp1] in status summary.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+][pdtp1]
The user agent which is an aggregate of 8 different pref values including the
vendor comment. The vendor comment is given the value of the customized string
thru CCK. This then gets inserted in the pref file and is read by the browser
and is used while creating the overall value for the navigator.userAgent.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Varada, please add to this bug examples of the following:

*user agent string customized by CCK user (for example, MyISP)
*user agent string default (not customized by CCK user)

Updating QA Contact
QA Contact: paw → bmartin
updating QA Contact to
QA Contact: bmartin → blee
qa to me since blee is on sabatical.  Verified on CCK build 2001-09-24-07
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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