Closed Bug 615776 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Clear up exception on expandTestSuites that is causing try_parser to send default set


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lsblakk, Assigned: lsblakk)



(Whiteboard: [tryserver])

Today there was a push to try that looked like: "desc": "Bug 615146 - Ensure outer SVG elements get an nsSVGOuterSVGFrame even they fail conditional processing attributes\ntry: -b o -p linux64 -m none -u reftest -t none" in the json pushlog info for and instead of only triggering the linux64 build, it triggered all builds. I tested the regex matching and splitting with a '\ntry: sample' and was unable to reproduce so look into how this kind of character comes back from the json and find a way to test for this case.
also noticed that there were preceding pushes that used the (now deprecated) -m none in their pushlog comments and those others got just the selected platform builds they requested (linux in one case, win32 in another) they did not have multiline comments that split right on the try: which is why it's very likely something caused by the '\n'
I would like to suggest that we do a more aggressive filtering to prevent even a chance of user-text from getting into one of our command lines by sending the string you process thru a whitelist of acceptable characters.
this is the third time someone asking for win32 only has gotten all builds and this time it's not on a newline:
My previous statement was incorrect, this was the second time with the first being revision b734477f91a8
(In reply to comment #4) > My previous statement was incorrect, this was the second time with the first > being revision b734477f91a8 And for that revision it turns out there was no -b specified, so that needs to be examined. If there's no -b specified the user should get opt/debug of the platforms requested.
I've added the following test suites and they all pass: def test_HiddenCharactersAndOldSyntax(self): tm = 'attributes\ntry: -b o -p linux64 -m none -u reftest -t none' self.customBuilders = TryParser(tm, VALID_BUILDER_NAMES, BUILDER_PRETTY_NAMES, None, UNITTEST_SUITES) builders = ['Linux x86-64 tryserver build'] self.assertEqual(sorted(self.customBuilders),sorted(builders)) def test_NoBuildTypeSelected(self): tm = 'try: -m none -u crashtest -p win32' # should get both build types for the selected platform self.customBuilders = TryParser(tm, VALID_BUILDER_NAMES, BUILDER_PRETTY_NAMES, None, UNITTEST_SUITES) builders = ['WINNT 5.2 tryserver build', 'WINNT 5.2 tryserver leak test build'] self.assertEqual(sorted(self.customBuilders),sorted(builders)) # should get debug win32 in the builder_master test builders self.customBuilders = TryParser(tm, VALID_BUILDER_NAMES+VALID_UPN, {}, UNITTEST_PRETTY_NAMES, UNITTEST_SUITES) builders = ['WINNT 5.2 tryserver debug test crashtest'] self.assertEqual(sorted(self.customBuilders),sorted(builders)) # should get both build types in test_builders self.customBuilders = TryParser(tm, VALID_TESTER_NAMES, TESTER_PRETTY_NAMES, None, UNITTEST_SUITES) builders = ['Rev3 WINNT 6.1 tryserver opt test crashtest', 'Rev3 WINNT 6.1 tryserver debug test crashtest'] self.assertEqual(sorted(self.customBuilders),sorted(builders)) Not sure how else to debug why occasional failures in try_parser occur. Possibly something on the twisted end of things? If it can't locate the json to get the desc, the pusher will end up with the default set.
Summary: More robust testing of hidden characters in try syntax → Clear up exception on expandTestSuites that is causing try_parser to send default set
The fix for this is included in which will land tomorrow morning so long as the release schedule allows.
Assignee: nobody → lsblakk
Priority: P5 → P1
No more exceptions in the scheduler since the fix was landed.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Release Engineering
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