Bug 616838
Opened 14 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
Firefox can hang due to alert box in embed, object, applet src
(Toolkit Graveyard :: Notifications and Alerts, defect)
(blocking2.0 -)
Tracking | Status | |
blocking2.0 | --- | - |
(Reporter: BijuMailList, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
(1 file)
1.16 KB,
Details |
This is similar to Bug 613800 but not a regression it also happens in Fx3.6, also more easily reproduced in Fx3.6
STR for Fx3.6
1. Go to attachment alert_stuck.html
2. Wait 5 sec for alert box to appear
3. Note down the message on the alert box
4. Drag the alert box, you will see another alert below it.
5. Drag the second alert box (in step 4), you will third alert box,
6. Select third alert box
7. Close second or third alert box
8. Drag around other alert boxes, as well as Firefox window
9. At some point Firefox HANGS for a while
10. if Firefox is not hanging close all alert and retest.
STR for Fx4
1. Go to attachment alert_stuck.html
2. Wait 5 sec for alert box to appear
3. Create few new tabs
4. Keep switching tabs
5. Move Firefox main window around
6. repeat step 4 and 5 few times
7. At some point Firefox HANGS for a while
8. if Firefox is not hanging close all alert and retest.
Why do we want to allow alert/confirm/prompt in URLs for embed, object, applet?
Updated•14 years ago
blocking2.0: --- → ?
Comment 2•14 years ago
Not a regression, hang isn't permanent, narrow case -> blocking-.
Updated•14 years ago
blocking2.0: ? → -
Comment 3•14 years ago
The STR for Fx4 is rather vague, and I cannot reproduce this.
Try doing it in Fx3.6 using STR for that.
It is more easily reproduced there, even though I first found this in Fx4, it is not that easy to reproduce in Fx4. BTW the result is same in Fx4, and Fx3.6.
Comment 5•11 years ago
Bulk move to Toolkit::Notifications and Alerts
Filter on notifications-and-alerts-component.
Component: General → Notifications and Alerts
Comment 6•7 years ago
Triaging Evil Trap Bugs at the moment and it seems this one is not reproduceable anymore. I can move the browser around and nothing hangs. After 7 years I am going to close this one as INVALID.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Updated•2 years ago
Product: Toolkit → Toolkit Graveyard
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