Closed Bug 650251 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

[ast] merge releases/l10n/mozilla-aurora/ast into l10n-central and backout to make next aurora drop easy for Asturian


(Mozilla Localizations :: ast / Asturian, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Pike, Unassigned)



gandalf backed out a few landings to l10n-central for aurora for your locale, because those were strings that landed in en-US post the aurora cut for en-US. Now, on the next time you want to merge your work from central to aurora (around May 17), those backouts would just stick and remove the strings from your work again. The way to make hg likely do the right thing, or at least throw a merge conflict at you, is to land the "backout" changesets from aurora on l10n-central, back them out, and potentially merge. Double negation style, yeah, somewhat hard to wrap your head around. I can do that for you, but I want to make sure that you're good with it, and that we find the right time window so that your hg work doesn't clash. Sorry for the trouble, I'll do my best to make the next iteration suck less.
marquinos, ivarela, seems that neither of you is watching ast@localization.bugs, which makes you not get bugmail on new bugs like this one. Mind going to and fix that? Thanks.
Hi Axel! Yes, please, do it for us. I'm supposing that I must download a new branch with hg. Thanks in advance!, l10n-central is fixed now. For Firefox 5, you want to work on ssh://, with en-US strings from That's the fx_aurora tree on and has 4 missing strings right now. Signoffs will open later, gotta do some infrastructure juggling. You'll be able to use the same repositories to work on Firefox 6 in late may, too. Well, the url of the en-US repo may change, but only the url, not the contents.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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