Closed Bug 653413 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Tapping the system back button twice with Edit Bookmark menu open closes the application and forgets previously opened tabs


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect, P1)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: anamaria.moldovan, Assigned: mbrubeck)


(Keywords: regression)

Build Id: Mozilla /5.0 (Android;Linux armv7l;rv:6.0a1) Gecko/20110428 Firefox/6.0a1 Fennec /6.0a1 Device: HTC Desire Z (Android 2.2) 1. Launch fennec and load 2. Pan to the left to show the tab panel. 3. Tap on the bookmark's star -> Edit 4. Press the system back button. 5. Press the system back button. Expected results: After step 3, the "Edit Bookmark" dialog menu appears and the VKB pops up. After step 4, the the VKB should be dismissed. After step 5, the "Edit Bookmark" dialog menu should be closed. Actual results: Step 3 and step 4: PASS After step 5, the application is closed. One has to launch the application again. Fennec starts with about:home, but there are no tabs from last time.
Severity: normal → major
tracking-fennec: --- → ?
Priority: -- → P1
Summary: Tapping the system back button twice closes the application → Tapping the system back button twice with Edit Bookmark menu open closes the application and forgets previously opened tabs
Reproducible on a Nexus One with 04/28. Opened various sites in multiple tabs, opened the edit bookmark pane, tapped back button on device couple times, Fennec closed. Upon application startup, Fennec couldn't remember my last opened tabs.
When Fennec shuts down, logs show a ERROR/JavaBinder(4063): Unknown binder error code. 0xfffffff7
Assignee: nobody → mbrubeck
tracking-fennec: ? → ---
Whiteboard: [fennec-6]
Pressing "escape" with the Edit Bookmark dialog open causes Fennec to exit even on desktop Linux. It looks like a clean exit rather than a crash. I get this warning in a debug build; I don't know if it's related: WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, 0) failed with result 0x8000FFFF: file /home/mbrubeck/src/mozilla/mozilla-central/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 2938 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(pusher.Push(aBoundElement)) failed: file /home/mbrubeck/src/mozilla/mozilla-central/content/xbl/src/nsXBLProtoImplMethod.cpp, line 327 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, 0) failed with result 0x8000FFFF: file /home/mbrubeck/src/mozilla/mozilla-central/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 2938
OS: Android → All
Hardware: ARM → All
Caused by the same regression as bug 652545, and fixed by the patch there.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
tracking-fennec: --- → 6+
Whiteboard: [fennec-6]
tracking-fennec: 6+ → ---
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