Closed Bug 675930 Opened 13 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Provide a way to easily copy wiki pages and trees


( Graveyard :: Wiki pages, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jswisher, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [type:feature][pm-wanted])

See also bug 675842 and bug 675975.

I think the reason that users try to "move" wiki sections is that they really want to copy them but don't know how. 

I'm opening this bug for discussion of whether and how to provide this capability in Kuma.
This is probably most useful for the case where someone is trying to duplicate content for localization -- which we may have better ways to handle in Kuma. I'm pretty sure that's what happened in this last instance, where someone moved the entire JS Reference into the Portuguese docs.
True, so that may be the major use case. But in the previous instance, someone copied a tree under their user page, I would guess wanting to make a private copy to work with. 

So possibly, we have two use cases, neither of which is exactly "copy":

* Start a new translation (of a section of the site)
* Let me mess around without publishing to the world
The second case may be covered by the support for drafts...
second case would be the "phase 2" drafts - where drafts are saved on the server. right now drafts are just saved in localStorage to preserve edits thru a browser crash.

kuma does give us the "revisions" feature which could serve that purpose - it allows a user to make edits, preview them, and save them to the server for others to review before marking as approved.
I will be sure to ask about this if I interview any localizers before the end of next week. Is there any way we could get in contact with the people who made this mistake to figure out what their intentions were?
I don't have email addresses for them, so not easily, no.
Blocks: 757238
Priority: -- → P2
I *think* this is solved for users with admin access by bug 747137. Let's revisit after July launch
Blocks: 756266
Version: Kuma → unspecified
Component: Website → Landing pages
No longer blocks: 756266
Whiteboard: feature request;
Whiteboard: feature request; → [type:feature]
Severity: normal → enhancement
Priority: P2 → --
Whiteboard: [type:feature] → [type:feature][pm-wanted]
I do not believe this is a feature that is needed any longer, given changes that have happened in Kuma since it was filed. I am closing this bug; please re-open if there are any real use cases left for it.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: → Graveyard
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