Closed Bug 683687 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

deploy new versions of flash and pageloader for talos tp5 test


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: anodelman, Assigned: bhearsum)



(Whiteboard: [buildduty][talos])

Will require patches in bug 664728 along with a reconfig.

This will affect all tp5/tp4 results and should only happen during a downtime.
Blocks: 664728
New flash zips are already on the build server, they are ready to go.
Alice - anything remaining to do for this bug?
Whiteboard: [buildduty][talos]
The patches need to land and then a reconfig.  I haven't landed the patches in case they get accidentally pushed out during a non-downtime reconfig.  We'll want this fully downtimed because of the changes to the tp4/tp5 results.

So, what's left is scheduling the downtime, checking in the patches and doing the reconfig.
Flags: needs-treeclosure?
I have some pageloader modifications in the pipeline, I don't want to hold this bug up, but if we don't get to this for a few days it would be nice to bundle these all together.
Priority: -- → P3
Depends on: 686762
updated version of talos which will include changes for pageloader modifications and mozafterpaint timing.  

This will require a reconfig and side by side staging as well as bug 686762 to land before or simultaneously.

the to deploy can be found here:
No longer depends on: 686762
Summary: deploy new versions of flash for talos tp5 test → deploy new versions of flash and pageloader for talos tp5 test
Depends on: 686762
Assignee: nobody → bhearsum
Flags: needs-treeclosure? → needs-treeclosure+
(In reply to Joel Maher (:jmaher) from comment #5)
> updated version of talos which will include changes for pageloader
> modifications and mozafterpaint timing.  
> This will require a reconfig and side by side staging as well as bug 686762
> to land before or simultaneously.
> the to deploy can be found here:

Updated the package on
successfully landed in the downtime
Flags: needs-treeclosure+
Pretty sure we're all done here now.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Release Engineering
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