Closed Bug 684934 Opened 13 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Mobile] Add download button on mobile add-ons page


( Graveyard :: Public Pages, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jfu, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


Right now it's really difficult to get back to /mobile to learn more from the mobile add-ons page. Although most visitors on the mobile add-ons page probably already downloaded Firefox for Android, we should still have a download button for the visitors who end up here from the desktop add-ons/customize pages or search. I suggest putting it under the "Most Popular" list, using the same button as Dan - what other stakeholders should be added to this bug for this page? Is there a specific webdev person for add-ons sites?
Blocks: 684378
Hey Jaclyn, want to make sure I follow you correctly here. Are you talking about desktop users who land on this mobile add-ons page: If so, rather than sending them back to the features page, I'd feature a download button (same as on and a hyperlink for additional info. Would recommend inserting this above the Featured Extensions box: BUTTON: Get Firefox for Android BUTTON SUBTEXT: Free from the Android market MORE INFO: Find out more about Firefox for mobile <> Wil Clouser should be able to help here.
Hey Dan, Yes, I'm referring to desktop users who land on the mobile add-ons page. When I suggested using the same button as on, I was referring to the mobile download button that we have on that page - not directing visitors to the /features page. Hey Wil - Thoughts? Can you provide insight on where we should place this download button? Would a button have to be added to the desktop add-ons page to keep it consistent?
It looks like there is space in the right hand column. I don't think it should be above the featured extensions box - that's the most valuable spot on the page and downloading mobile firefox is not the primary focus of the page.
Component: Other → Public Pages
Product: Websites →
QA Contact: other → web-ui
> that's the most valuable spot on the page and downloading mobile firefox is not the primary focus of the page I'm not sure I would agree with that. If desktop users end on the mobile add-on page, I think it's likely that they don't have Firefox for mobile, and it's a priority. That said, I think right hand column would work well here anyway - so Jaclyn, if you agree, lets go ahead with that change.
+1 to the right hand column. Let's do this! Thanks!
Thanks for filing this. Due to resource constraints we are closing bugs which we won't realistically be able to fix. If you have a patch that applies to this bug please reopen. For more info see
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: → Graveyard
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