Closed Bug 686869 Opened 13 years ago Closed 10 years ago

log in fails in paypal popup while same credentials work in paypal site


( Graveyard :: Public Pages, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pratibha, Unassigned)




- Load
- Make Contributon: Enter email address/password to log in to paypal

Result: Log in to paypal fails

With same credentials 'am able to login to paypal site:
Thanks for filing this.  Due to resource constraints we are closing bugs which we won't realistically be able to fix.  If you have a patch that applies to this bug please reopen.

For more info see
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
I have the same problem. However I quickly suspected that the issue lies with the fact that I am using a security key on my PayPal account. That means that when I log in, I enter my password, and PayPal sends a code to my cell phone, which I then enter. When I disable this security feature in my PayPal account, then my password works to contribute to an add-on. 
I have talked to PayPal support and they said there is nothing wrong with my account and pointed the finger at Mozilla. 
I believe the Contribute button on the Mozilla site is not coded properly to account for security keys. Maybe the web site developers need to talk to PayPal to find out how to handle this? Other suggestions? I certainly wouldn't want to have to disable this feature in PayPal to make it work for Mozilla.

Can this be revisited?

Thank you.
(In reply to pierre12345 from comment #2)
> I have the same problem. However I quickly suspected that the issue lies
> with the fact that I am using a security key on my PayPal account. That
> means that when I log in, I enter my password, and PayPal sends a code to my
> cell phone, which I then enter. When I disable this security feature in my
> PayPal account, then my password works to contribute to an add-on. 
> I have talked to PayPal support and they said there is nothing wrong with my
> account and pointed the finger at Mozilla. 
> I believe the Contribute button on the Mozilla site is not coded properly to
> account for security keys. Maybe the web site developers need to talk to
> PayPal to find out how to handle this? Other suggestions? I certainly
> wouldn't want to have to disable this feature in PayPal to make it work for
> Mozilla.
> Can this be revisited?
> Thank you.

This comment is unrelated to this bug. If you feel this is a valid bug, please create a new bug. I've got no idea what we aren't implementing or is different from our implementation. If Paypal gave you any more information, it would be good to have it.
Product: → Graveyard
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