Closed Bug 690401 Opened 13 years ago Closed 10 years ago

CSS Hologram not working on Galaxy S/Motorola Xoom


(Web Compatibility :: Site Reports, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: andrei.eichler, Unassigned, NeedInfo)




User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0a1) Gecko/20110929 Firefox/10.0a1
Build ID: 20110929030852

Steps to reproduce:

Try to run the demo CSS Hologram demo on my Galaxy S and on my Motorola Xoom, either on Fennec Nightly and Fennec 7, both render the page correctly but the accelerometer part/rotating the device, which generates the hologram effect doesn't work.

Link :

Actual results:

Render the CSS, but hologram effect doesn't work

Expected results:

Render the CSS, and when the device is rotated, generate the effect as it does on the video
I don't see any mention of MozOrientation anymore in the Mozilla source.
Should it still work or should the demo be updated with the new event?
Yes, there were a bunch of orientation changes such that is the doc that should be followed now.
There is still documentation for MozOrientation here:
I guess that is not valid anymore?
Yeah, that's only valid for pre-8.0, I think. The other docs tagged Orientation are being modified right now.
Assignee: nobody → english-us
Component: General → English US
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Fennec → Tech Evangelism
QA Contact: general → english-us
Version: Firefox 7 → unspecified
Assignee: english-us → nobody
Component: English US → Mobile
Depends on: 1070781
So currently, we can't really access the server without having an SSL error message.
I've asked in #mdn on IRC if anybody knows who's maintaining this site
Feedback Ali and John. One of the two should now what can be done.

I'm not even sure if Mozilla Demos is still working (the link here give me a forbidden, not a SSL error message)
Flags: needinfo?(jkarahalis)
Flags: needinfo?(aspivak)
Demo Studio is scheduled for an update, copying Justin...
Flags: needinfo?(aspivak) → needinfo?(hoosteeno)
Hi Andrei. Thanks for this report. We want to be sure this demo works correctly on all modern browsers.

We usually recommend that people contact the individual demo authors about issues with the demos. In this case, I can see Mozilla staff member Paul Rouget created the demo. It looks like he was copied on this bug, so maybe he'll be able to say more.
Flags: needinfo?(jkarahalis)
The demo linked in comment 0 now lives here:

It is working properly in Firefox for Android on a Nexus 4. And it's cool! 

Can anyone replicate this bug?

(In reply to Karl Dubost :karlcow from comment #5)
> So currently, we can't really access the server without having an SSL error
> message.

The SSL error comes up at, which is a separate domain used for hosting the files of demos. It doesn't have a landing page, though.
Flags: needinfo?(hoosteeno) → needinfo?(andrei.eichler)
If it's working, it's working :) Closing the bug.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Tech Evangelism → Web Compatibility
Component: Mobile → Site Reports
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