Closed Bug 706152 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Shutdown dev.performance


( :: Discussion Forums, task)

Windows 7
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: taras.mozilla, Assigned: mburns)


General consensus is that dev.performance is redundant.
OK... over to server-ops.

Where is performance discussion happening now? dev.platform?

Assignee: gerv → server-ops
(In reply to Gervase Markham [:gerv] from comment #1)
> OK... over to server-ops.
> Where is performance discussion happening now? dev.platform?

Assignee: server-ops → mburns
dev.performance has been retired, its archived preserved. Giganews has been notified.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
So.... I can no longer access my local .performance version (from because Thunderbird claims it's gone from the server.  This means I actually lost a few todo notes and whatnot.

Why exactly did we make the group not even readable instead of just not postable to?  Is the archive mentioned in comment 3 somewhere public?
Is it even possible to make a newsgroup read-only?

I guess the answer probably is that it's either impossible or very difficult to coordinate making these groups read-only across mailman, our News provider and Google... BICBW.

In that case imo we should never retire newsgroups, because it breaks pointers from other discussions and loses archived information that people actually rely on.
(In reply to Boris Zbarsky (:bz) from comment #4)
> Why exactly did we make the group not even readable instead of just not
> postable to?  Is the archive mentioned in comment 3 somewhere public?

Looks like it is available as a read-only google group at least:

"You cannot post messages because this group is only available as an archive."
The Google group is missing some of the messages that I had in my local version of .performance.  So it's certainly not a complete archive.
Not retiring groups has the downside of confusing people who are looking for the right group. AIUI, the news system doesn't have a good answer for group deprecation/removal. One would ideally want groups to e.g. show up differently in your news client, with a clear indication of their read-only status. But that's not possible.

The Google Group archives should be complete (and are the canonical way of referring to a discussion with a link that will always be valid). If they aren't complete, that's a problem that needs investigating.

They were certainly missing several mails from the beginning of the group's existence, as far as I could tell.  Please do investigate?
bz: oh, I thought you meant recently. Fixing years-old email might be trickier :-|

Still: bug 711110.

Can you post there with an example missing email, or is that request guaranteed to infuriate because the very fact that they are missing means you don't know what they are? :-)

Oh, it's guaranteed to infuriate me because the very act of nuking the newsgroup made my life a living hell until I put myself into a situation where I no longer know what they are.

If you'd asked me for that information in the first 5 minutes after you nuked it, I might have been able to provide it to you.
Blocks: 807322
No longer blocks: 807322
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