Closed Bug 727843 Opened 13 years ago Closed 7 years ago

BrowserQuest fails to load


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jpr, Unassigned)




(3 files)

BrowserQuest fails to load on multiple phones to different degrees.
Nightly or Maple?
(In reply to Aaron Train [:aaronmt] from comment #1) > Nightly or Maple? Both as I understand it.
Attached image ICS screenshot
I get could not connect to server error for Nightly; yesterday I was unable to play on ICS. today I cam connect but it's rather small and leaves graphic defects after you walk to a spot.
Attached image Nightly_Screenshot
punctuations help: I get "Could not connect to server" error for Nightly.
Whiteboard: mwc-demo → mwc-demo, MAPLE
The graphical defects are a bug in BrowserQuest, Paul tells me.
Note: ICS doesn't use the full screen. Should we break all these up? I'm seeing different things on different devices. Marking as blocker for mwc-demo as this doesn't work at all on some devices even on Nightly.
Severity: normal → blocker
Whiteboard: mwc-demo, MAPLE → MAPLE mwc-demo
The graphical defects are a problem in BrowserQuest itself. Don't worry about. FYI, with Firefox Nightly (not Maple) on Galaxy Nexus, the game works well for me.
Blocks: 728253
Blocks: 728249
Is this an issue for Tablets?
(the gfx defects have been fixed) About the loading problem, can I get an update here? Which URL are you testing (I'd like to keep these URL privates, please send me an email)? Is it still happening? When it's happening, does it happen on your desktop too?
Naoki: can you confirm if you still see the error message on Nightly, Maple? Also, can you reproduce this on Tablets with Firefox GA?
I am not seeing the issue on the tablet.
The game loads fine and I can walk around on my Nexus S on maple trunk. Please re-open if you still see the issue.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Maple 2/22/2012 build on Galaxy S II Nightly 2/22/2012 build on Galaxy S II my concern lies in that we may have bad wifi at the MWC
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Flags: blocking-fennec1.0+
Naoki, 729677 will cover this, also paul is moving assets so that we can have local versions of the demos. But you are right, we saw this today in Jaclyn's demo at the showcase so let's keep this open and be sure to re-test once the above bugs land. The canvas demos have to work at MWC. Assigning to paul until we have something to test.
Assignee: nobody → paul
Priority: -- → P1
Depends on: 729677, 729497
Removing maple from whiteboard; not specific to that branch.
Whiteboard: MAPLE mwc-demo
Does a reload fix the problem?
No, reload did not fix the issue.
(In reply to Naoki Hirata :nhirata from comment #18) > No, reload did not fix the issue. Where are you located? That might be a timeout with the websocket server. The server is located in France. At MWC, the server will be located locally, with a dedicated Wifi.
I was testing from Mnt View Office, 2nd floor wirelessly. It's a good possibility that it's a timeout issue.
Severity: blocker → normal
Since we will have a local server at MWC, this is not blocking the mwc-demos.
No longer blocks: 728249
Assignee: paul → nobody
Closed: 13 years ago7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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