Open Bug 733201 Opened 13 years ago Updated 12 years ago

Streamline product list in cgi scripts (such as show_bug.cgi)


(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, enhancement)

Not set




(Reporter: altlist, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


For something like show_bug.cgi, it loads the entire product list. For 3000+ products, this can take a long time to load. Plus it can be cumbersome selecting which product you want. This is even more critical in the advanced search page where one has to prefetch all products/components/milestones. For at least show_bug.cgi, I think using AJAX/auto-completion may be a better way to choose a product. Plus consider supporting N-levels of hierarchy (ticket 291245) and selectively fetch which hierarchy to display.
Okay. Is there a concrete suggestion here for what to do (which would make this an enhancement request) or simply a statement that loading the product HTML up front is slow (which would make this a bug)?
Severity: normal → enhancement
Yes, loading the product HTML up front is slow for large number of products. For query.cgi, it is almost unusable. Fixing this with an AJAX style approach would best. I created bug 740649 to explain what I ended up doing, which didn't use AJAX.
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